YUGIOH: It's Time to Duel!

Chapter 36: Meaning of Trust

Chapter 36: Meaning of Trust

As I soared through the sky on Blue Eyes White Dragon's back, I was greeted with a game


[Prolouge Quest Completed! Main Quest will now Begin!]

Prologue Quest? If it's a prologue quest, things would've made sense now. So the prologue was like the back story, and the Main Quest will be the actual story of the game and it would be stopping the Mythic Dragon summoning and finding the Stone of Ancients.

Alright, I know what I need to do!"

Rescue Kaiba!

Defeat the Mythic Dragon!

Find the Stone of Ancients!

Let's do this!

I looked below, where the scenery of the ground changed constantly. Oh yeah, didn't Yugi and his friends have to traverse through many terrains to reach the final level? But with a living flying dragon with me, I don't really need to do that.

Skipping through the useless levels and going straight into the boss room felt satisfying. However, I wished to spend the coins I gathered though...

Oh well!

After an hour of flying, I finally spotted something in the distance. It was a tall, dark, and ominous castle in the middle of the forest. Yep, if that wasn't giving an evil boss lair vibe, I don't know what will.

Blue Eyes White Dragon circled the building, and as soon as we got close, we were met with fierce defence. Humongous beehives were growing on the side of the castle, and countless deadly wasps spewed out of the hives.

Beside the hive were two cocoons, and two creatures emerged. It was an insect with giant wings, green abdomens, orange horns and six legs...

[Great Moth: 3500 Attack, 3000 Defence] x2

[Killer Needle: 1200 Attack, 1000 Defence] x 15

I cursed and ordered Blue Eyes White Dragon to dodge as the horde of insects chased us relentlessly. Suddenly Great Moth fired silk from its mouth and struck Blue Eyes White Dragon's wings. I screamed as Blue Eyes White Dragon lost control and crashed into the castle.


I held onto Blue Eyes White Dragon with everything I had as we burst through the walls. I groaned and glanced at the Blue-Eyes White Dragon, slowly vanishing. I clicked my teeth and glanced at my duel disk; my life points had dropped.

[Yuna Sano: 2000 LP -> 1500 LP]

The two Great Moth landed by the hole and snapped their disgusting mandibles threateningly. As the monsters approached me, I instantly reacted and drew from my deck.

"I will use Change of Heart and take control of the Great Moth!" I shouted.

A mirage of an angel appeared above one of the moths, and she fired a ray of light from her palms. The Great Moth's aura changed, and I smiled confidently: "Now, Great Moth, attack the other Great Moth!"

The insect I took control of threw itself at its friend. Together, they tumbled out of the hole, falling to their death. However, I couldn't relax. Without the Great Moths blocking the cavity, the hordes of Killer Needles began flooding in.

"I will use Foolish Burial and send my Koumori Dragon to my graveyard, and then banish Dragon Knight of Creation and Koumori Dragon to summon Lightpulsar Dragon!"

My deck glows as my Koumori Dragon and Dragon Knight of Creation are banished from the game. Beside me appeared a new dragon. It shared the same white and blue colour as Blue Eyes White Dragon. However, its body was much more slender and agile.

[Lightpulsar Dragon: 2500 Attack, 1500 Defence]

"Lightpulsar Dragon, defend this area!"

The swarm of wasps charged, but their venom stingers couldn't pierce the dragon's hide, and Lightpulsar Dragon tore them apart. As Lightpulsar Dragon was dealing with the Killer Needles, I used this opportunity to explore deeper into the castle.

There wasn't anything noteworthy, as the entire building felt like a maze. Finally, I reached a room. I placed my ear against the door and heard two voices talking.

"Tsk, release me this instance." A man growled: "Override Protocol!"

"I can't do that," Another replied: "It doesn't work anymore, and it's no longer your game.

Soon you will be sacrificed to the Mythic Dragon, and there's nothing you can do!"

I don't have to listen further and already know who's inside. I sighed and gathered the courage in my heart...

[3rd POV]

Seto glared at the monster laughing arrogantly before him. The creature has red skin, pointy ears, blond hair and he was dressed in a purple suit.

[Witty Phantom: 1400 Attack, 1300 Defence]

"Let me go, damn it." He shouted angrily and pulled against the chains tied to his body.

"It's useless to struggle," Witty Phantom: "Sooner or later, your life will be forfeited." Seto's face contorted into pure rage, and he felt humiliated being trapped in his own game. He was relieved that no one else was here to see him in this state. Suddenly, someone knocked on the door, catching the two by surprise.

"Strange, I don't remember calling for anyone..." Witty Phantom muttered and opened the door.


A punch sent Witty Phantom backward, and he fell to the ground: "Who??"

"I summon Paladin of Felgrand!" The stranger shouted as a knight appeared out of thin air.

The knight pinned Witty Phantom to the ground, bringing his sword close to the monster's throat. Seto stared at the woman whom he least expected to arrive in a daze. Even if her hair colour differed, he couldn't forget her face.

Yuna approached the restrained Witty Phantom and took the key from his pocket. She went to Seto and unlocked his shackles. Seto rubbed his wrist with relief before frowning.

"Why are you here?" He asked.

"Re... Rescue..." She timidly answered.

"I don't need your help...." Seto retorted.

Yuna didn't respond and gazed at him in uncomfortable silence. However, the moment ended

as Witty Phantom started to scream.

"Ah, wait, spare me!" He begged: "Hey, I was just joking, so please show mercy!"

Seto snorted, and his tall physique cast a shadow over the monster. In a swift movement, he brought his fist down onto the monster's face, knocking him out: "Be quiet; you're too loud."

"Let's go," Seto ordered as they left the room.

However, the floor erupted from below immediately when his hand touched the handle. Yuna was swept off her feet as the force sent her flying towards Seto. They crashed into each other as the floor collapsed and fell into a deep chasm.

During their fall, Seto noticed the Dragon Capture Jar previously used to capture his own Blue Eyes White Dragon falling beside them, and he hurriedly pulled a card from his duel disk: "Go Trap Master, destroy the Dragon Capture Jar!"

A humanoid creature wearing a green cloak and top hat appeared. Its skin was grey with dishevelled hair, and the lower body consisted of hammers, saws and screwdrivers.

[Trap Master: 500 Attack, 1100 Defence]

The monster flew towards the Dragon Capture Jar and easily shattered it. There was a roar as the Blue-Eyes White Dragon was released and instinctively dived towards them. Adjusting himself in the air, Seto landed on the dragon's back, and Yuna fell into his arms.

[Blue Eyes White Dragon: 3000 Attack, 2500 Defence]

The first thing that came into Seto's mind was that she was incredibly light. He glimpsed at Yuna as she blushed profusely. Remembering what happened last time when an embarrassing incident occurred between them, Seto set Yuna down and took a step away from her.

As Blue Eyes White Dragon touched down on the ground. Yuna and Seto jumped off of its back. They found themselves in a wide tunnel. Suddenly, five voices simultaneously resonated: "Congratulations looks like you have reached the final level."

"The Big Fives..." Seto growled: "It's over; the Mythic Dragon has not been summoned. That

means you have lost!"

"Not so fast. There was another way to summon the Mythic Dragon!" They declared: "With the arrival of that girl over there, we retrieved the Ancient Stone of White, and we will use its power to revive the dragon!"

A glowing purple circle enveloped the ground, and a terrifying beast emerged. With a body that almost filled the entire room, the monster roared as Yuna and Seto felt their eardrums bursting from the sound.

The monster has brown scales with wings. There were five dragon heads, each made out of separate elements, Earth, Fire, Water, Wind and Darkness.

[Mythic Dragon: 5000 Attack, 5000 Defence]

Instantly, preparing for a battle, the two drew five cards from their deck. Deciding to make the first move, Yuna announced loudly: "I will summon the Guardian of Felgrand!"

[Guardian of Felgrand: 500 Attack, 500 Defence]

"With Guardian of Felgrand's effect, I can equip Divine Dragon Lord Felgrand to this card, and

Guardian of Felgrand will gain an attack equal to half of the stats of the equipped monster!" [Guardian of Felgrand: 500 -> 1900 Attack, 1900 Defence]

"I will also use one of my traps that will be activated later..." Yuna declared as a magic-like circle appeared beneath her feet.

"That's not enough power to defeat the Mythic Dragon!" The Big Fives shouted: "We will deal with you first, Mythic Dragon, attack!"

All five heads of the Mythic Dragon unleashed a breath akin to their elements. All directed at Guardian of Felgrand. However, a blue barrier blocked the attack, and the breaths ricocheted in all directions. Standing beside the Guardian of Felgrand were three priests that maintained the barrier with magic.

"With my trap Waboku," Yuna said as sweat dripped down from her face: "I won't take damage, and my monsters won't be destroyed by battle."

"Looks like you can't do anything..." Seto scowled: "Watch and learn!"

"I will use Polymerisation and fuse the three Blue-Eyes White Dragon on my field and hand!"

Two cards shoot out of Seto's grasp and merge with his Blue-Eyes White Dragon. Two new heads grew from the side of Blue Eyes White Dragon's body, and the dragons roared in unison.

[Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon: 4500 Attack, 3800 Defence]

"Tsk..." Seto clicked his teeth: "It's still not enough..."

"Kaiba-san, distract the Mythic Dragon. I will be able to summon my Divine Dragon Lord Felgrand soon!" Yuna explained.

"Don't tell me what to do!" He said with a scowl.

"We need to work together!" Yuna insisted.

"Shut up!" Seto snapped, causing Yuna to flinch: "I can do this alone. I won't rely on you or

anyone else!"

It had always been this way; ever since his life with his brother in the orphanage, they have been alone to face the outside world. Even when they were adopted, his life didn't become easier but more difficult instead.

He only survived because he trusted no one except for his brother and himself. Relying on

other people was nothing but a weakness that can be exploited on...

Yuna: "But!"

She was suddenly interrupted as Mychic Dragon began charging another attack, this time

aiming for Seto. "Sh*t!" He cursed: "Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon, protect me!"

However, before Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon can move, chains burst out of the floor and wrap around the monster's body, rendering it motionless. Seto noticed the still-alive Whitty Phantom smirking arrogantly in the corner of his vision, and a card was in the monster's hand. "You should have killed me when you have the chance!" He exclaimed: "I will use this Trap Shadow Spell, and now your Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon can no longer save you!"

Seto glanced at his hand, hoping for anything that could get him out of this situation, but

unfortunately, none of the cards could be of use to him, and Seto didn't have enough time to draw more cards.

He stared at the impending doom while his legs refused to move. Realising his fate, Seto could only grit his teeth in anger... "Guardian of Felgrand, defend Kaiba!"

Suddenly, Guadian of Felgrand switched to a defensive position and rushed to intercept the

attack. Acting as the meat shield, the Guardian of Felgrand took the attack head-on and

protected Seto from harm.

Seto glanced at Yuna with wide eyes: "Why?" He muttered.

"To survive, we have to work as a team!" Yuna said: "So cooperate wit....."


Yuna's body was hurled helplessly in the air like a ragdoll as Mythic Dragon's third attack

ambushed her. With no monsters, Yuna could not defend herself as she took the full power of

the attack.

She skidded across the floor and lay motionless. Her clothes were in tatters, and blood was seeping through the gaps in her outfit. Despite the pain, Yuna opened her eyes with difficulty

as a purple screen appeared before her.

[Yuna Sano: 1500 LP -> 0 LP]

[Warning, you have run out of life points and have entered the fatal state. You can purchase

one more life using the coins you gathered during this time.

Disclaimer, you should not take any further damage, or your current life will forfeit]

[Proceed] [Cancel]

The game interface flashed alarmingly, and Yuna glanced at the two buttons. She had just

enough coins from the temple, and Yuna reached out with her broken arm. Suddenly, there was a roar, and Mythic Dragon was about to launch another barrage.

Mythic Dragon unleashed its breath, and Yuna realised the attack would reach her before she could purchase more life. Watching the beam of destruction inching towards her, time

seemed to have slowed down... "Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon!"

Before Yuna understood what was happening, Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon appeared before her

and was struck by Mythic Dragon's breath. Despite its strength, Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon was defeated.

Yuna pressed the button using this opportunity, and a warm sensation enveloped her. She felt her injuries heal rapidly, and all her pain gradually vanished. Yuna heard Seto approaching her, and he knelt by her side. He gently lifted Yuna's head and stared at her with a scowl.

"Fool," He spat in disgust: "I'm not sure whether your dumb or mentally insane." Seto began to sprout nonsensical curses directed at Yuna to hide his shock. She listened and smiled wryly as she was harshly scolded.

"If I didn't destroy the trap in time, you would have died." Seto growled: "Since you saved me earlier, consider my debt paid."

Noticing Yuna's dishevelled appearance, Seto coughed uncomfortably and threw his coat at

her. He glared at the Mythic Dragon: "I assume you have a way to defeat it?"


"Very well," Seto muttered: "I will listen to what you have to say."

With Seto's help, Yuna got back on her feet, standing side by side. They glared at the massive

dragon before them. Not giving the two duelists time to rest, Mythic Dragon unleashed its breath, creating a massive explosion in the room.

As the smoke filled the room, Mythic Dragon growled, and its five heads scanned through the

smoke, trying to detect any life. Suddenly a small dragon burst through the black cloud, and above the creature were Yuna and Seto. Yuna glanced at the man beside her: "Kaiba-san!"

"I know!" Seto shouted back, and together, they simultaneously drew a card.

Yuna/Seto: "I will use Monster Reborn and summon Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon/Herald of Creation!"

[Herald of Creation: 1800 Attack, 600 Defence] [Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon: 4500 Attack, 3800 Defence]

"Then I will use Polymerisation!" Yuna yelled at the top of her lungs: "Fusing Herald of

Creation and Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon together, summoning Mysterion, the Dragon Crown!"

Light enveloped the two monster's bodies, and they merged into one. Once the light diminished, Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon changed completely. Its scales have turned gold with blue crystallised horns. Its body was long like a snake, and the monster's size easily filled the

room, matching the sheer mass of Mythic Dragon.

On top of the dragon was the Herald of Creation, now dressed in flashy golden armour with a helmet that matched her mount.

[Mysterion the Golden Crown: 3000 Attack, 1500 Defence]

'Another monster I have never seen before...' Seto thought while admiring Mysterion's


"With Mysterion the Golden Crown ability, they will lose one hundred attacks for every banished card in my graveyard!"

[Mysterion the Golden Crown: 3000 -> 2800 Attack, 1500 Defence]

"Also, since Blue Eyes White Dragon has left the field, I can immediately summon Keeper of

the Shrine!"

"However!" Yuna shouted: "I will use Mysterion the Golden Crown to cancel the summoning

of Keeper of the Shrine and banish him!"

"What is wrong with you?!" Seto asked: "Why are you doing something so strange as

banishing your monster."

Yuna smiled: "Trust me, we will win."

Overwhelmed by her confidence, Seto shut his mouth and nodded. He stared at her face and

was slightly entranced by her dazzling face. Somewhere in his head, a voice told him to

believe in her, and Seto felt tempted by it.

"By banishing Keeper of the Shrine, Mysterion the Golden Crown can activate its second effect

and banish all the monsters that are the same type as Keeper of the Shrine so that all dragons will be banished!"

Flames gathered in the rider's palm, and she shot it at the Mythic Dragon. Golden ropes

encased Mythic Dragon as the binds burned into its flesh. Mythic Dragon thrashed in pain. "It's over!" Yuna yelled: "Go back to where you came from!" Meanwhile, golden chains wrapped around Yuna's Koumori Dragon, and the two immediately

leapt off. They landed on Mysterion's dragon, and the warrior ordered her dragon to attack the ceiling.

They broke through the castle walls with the monster's strength and reemerged into the

outside world. Seto watched the golden chains slowly pull Mythic Dragon deeper into the


After releasing one final screech, Mythic Dragon was banished from the world. Mysterion landed her dragon as Yuna and Seto approached where Mythic Dragon last stood. On the

ground was a pure white stone that shinned brilliantly.

Yuna picked up the stone and smiled at Seto: "See?"

Unbeknownst to Seto, a smirk appeared on his face. Noticing his expression, Seto hurriedly

faced away from Yuna and nodded. As Seto hid his smile from Yuna, she chuckled and climbed

onto the dragon.

"Let's go." She said and held out her hand.

Seto quietly stared at her stretched-out fingers. He reached out as Yuna used all her strength

to pull Seto up as Mysterion guided the dragon into the air...

When they returned to the temple, Yuna and Seto were welcomed by everyone. They

celebrated the triumph of their saint, and people partied all night long.

Two hours later...

Seto was leaning against a wall as he waited patiently. The door beside him opened, and Yuna

calmly strolled out. Spotting Seto, her eyes widened: "N...not left?"

She was surprised that Seto could've left the game long ago as he had completed defeating

the Mythic Dragon while Yuna had more tasks to complete.

"I need to make sure that both of us left in case my subordinates accidentally shut the game

down," Seto explained.

In fact, it was merely a lie, and he was only curious about the reasons for Yuna's reluctance to

leave. She has already completed the assigned tasks but chooses to spend the entire night

talking with an NPC.n/o/vel/b//in dot c//om

Seto knew the details of the NPC and the character Yuna was playing, so he decided to stay to

figure out what they were talking about. However, the contents of their conversation truly

shocked him to his core.

Glancing at Yuna's tear-stained face, he sighed: "Have you said everything you wanted to


Yuna wiped her nose and nodded: "Y... yes.."

Seto typed the commands on his duel disks, and a black portal manifested in the hallway:

"Let's go," He urged, and together, they entered...

Back in the real world, Seto's eyes snapped open, and he stepped out of his Game Pod.

Walking out of his room, he swiftly located Yuna's where about. "Big Brother!" Mokuba shouted with relief as soon as Seto arrived. Mokuba eagerly hugged his brother, and Seto patted his back. He stared at Mokuba with a

complicated expression and mumbled: "Mokuba, what would you do if our mother appeared before us?"

"What kind of question is that?" Mokuba asked Ignoring him, Seto gently patted Mokuba's head and walked towards the only activated Game

Pod. Grabbing the latch, he forcibly opened the console and found Yuna asleep inside. Gazing

at her sleeping appearance, he saw a single tear drop trickling down her eye. He clicked his teeth and covered her with his blue trench coat. Leaving Yuna alone, he left the room with Mokuba hurriedly following behind him: "Big brother, where are you going?" "Where I'm going?" Seto sneered and cracked his knuckles: "Get ready, Mokuba, a lot of

people will be purged tonight..."

I hope you enjoy!

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