YUGIOH: It's Time to Duel!

Chapter 100: True Evil Rises

Chapter 100: True Evil Rises

[3rd POV]

Yami Bakura gazed at the kneeling Aknadin, a sly smile curling at the edges of his mouth. His mind was already crafting his next move. But before he could finalize his plan, he sensed a presence outside the room and let out a soft chuckle.

"So, they've come uninvited," he murmured, casting a glance at the man bowing before him. "Aknadin."

"Yes, my lord?" Aknadin replied, his tone devoid of any emotion.

"What is that pitiful Pharaoh up to these days?" Yami Bakura asked, his curiosity laced with amusement.

"They intend to explore the village of Kul Ena, hoping to gain an advantage over you..." "Is that so?" Yami Bakura laughed, a sinister glint in his eye. "Listen closely." Smiling, he began to explain his schemes... When he finished, Yami Bakura took a deep breath and smirked, "Do you understand?"

"Yes, my lord..." Aknadin replied, nodding as he slowly rose to his feet.

Suddenly, the doors to the chamber burst open, and soldiers flooded into the room. "Bakura!" Yami Yugi's voice thundered, raw with fury. "I knew I'd sensed your presence!" He strode in, flanked by the four sacred guardians, each gripping their Millennium Items, their expression filled with hostility.

Without a moment's hesitation, Yami Bakura lashed out, kicking Aknadin in the stomach and sending him hurtling towards the group. Unaware of his betrayal, Seto instinctively caught him as he fell, and Aknadin let out a pained groan.

"What have you done?" Yami Yugi demanded, his fists clenched tight.

A slow smile spread across Yami Bakura's face as he moved toward the window. "Ah, Pharaoh. I was hoping you'd make an appearance... You see, I uncovered something interesting during my little adventure, and I thought you'd enjoy the surprise."

With a flourish, he lifted his hand, revealing the Millennium Ring dangling from his fingers. Yami Yugi's eyes widened, and beside him, Isis gasped, covering her mouth in horror. "Mahad..." she whispered, stricken. "No..."

"You vile creature!" Seto roared, rage flashing in his eyes. "Battle Ox, I summon you!" The towering spirit leapt forward, axe in hand, but Diabound appeared, its claws intercepting the attack with ease.

"It seems I've overstayed my welcome," Yami Bakura taunted, stepping onto the windowsill. "Until next time." Without a backward glance, he let himself fall, and with a silent command, Diabound followed, its claws digging into the sandstone wall to slow his descent.

"After him!" Yami Yugi ordered, charging out of the room, the others close behind. Aknadin still weakened and clutching his side, was quickly sent to the infirmary while the remaining sacred guardians raced to pursue Yami Bakura into the night.

A few minutes later...

"Seto..." Kisara murmured, worry evident in her eyes as she watched him saddle his horse.

Seto placed his hands on her shoulders, his expression softening. "Stay here. The guards will protect you. Don't worry-I'll be back soon."

Kisara managed a small smile, brushing a gentle kiss on his cheek. "Then I'll await your return... Be careful."

"I... I will," he replied, a hint of embarrassment colouring his face as he quickly mounted his horse. Just as he prepared to leave, Yuna appeared, halting him with a raised hand. "Miss Yuna?"

"Hold on... I need to tell you something." Yuna floated close, casting a cautious glance at Kisara, who stood a few steps away, then whispered urgently, "Aknadin-don't trust him under any circumstances."

Seto blinked, caught off guard. "Excuse me?"

"I mean it," Yuna insisted, her voice low and intense. "He's no longer on our side. Be on your guard."

Seto nearly lost his balance, gripping the reins tightly. "Are you certain?"

"Do I have a reason to lie? I'll deal with him here," Yuna replied, arms crossed resolutely. "Just make sure you return as soon as possible..."

Seto nodded solemnly. "Understood." With a final glance, he nudged his horse forward and rode out of the stables. Outside, Yami Yugi and the other Sacred Guardians awaited, their expressions steely. The Pharaoh urged his horse forward, his voice resolute.

"Let's go. We have no time to waste." At his command, the horses broke into a gallop, the sound of thundering hooves echoing across the desert sands as they raced down the streets of Memphis and out of the city...

[Yuna's POV]

"Yuna, will Seto be alright? I don't doubt the strength of the Pharaoh and the Sacred Guardians, but Bakura... he's so dangerous," Kisara said anxiously, her gaze distant and worried.

Smiling gently, I patted her head. "He'll be fine. Don't underestimate him." My tone softened, but my gaze shifted coldly as I glanced back at the palace.

"Yuna, what's wrong?" she asked, catching my change in expression.

"It's... nothing," I began, pausing before letting out a small chuckle. I'd promised to be honest with Kisara, and I couldn't break that promise. "It's Aknadin. I don't trust him." "Lord Aknadin?!" Kisara gasped, her reaction mirroring Seto's earlier surprise.

"I can't say for sure, but go find Shimmon and stay with him, just in case," I instructed.

With a nod, Kisara turned and hurried off to meet her teacher. Once she was gone, I floated over the palace walls, moving swiftly until I reached the treatment room. Ensuring the hall was empty, I wedged a heavy shelf across the door to block any unexpected visitors. Inside, the room was lined with beds draped in thin veils for privacy. In the far corner, only one bed was occupied. I slipped past the curtain, revealing Aknadin asleep and oblivious. In the original timeline, Yami Bakura used the Millennium Ring to bring out the darkness in Aknadin's heart, turning him against Yami Yugi and setting off a chain of disastrous events. Typically, I would've overlooked his betrayal, but he'd played a hand in Kisara's death...

"It's nothing personal, Aknadin... but between you and Kisara, I'd choose her every time." I summoned the Dragon Knight of Creation, his presence solidifying by my side. Responding to my silent command, the Dragon Knight raised his sword and swung down...


The sharp ring of metal echoed through the room as a shadowy figure emerged from Aknadin's own shadow, intercepting the strike with an axe and shield. The beast resembled a jackal, its two heads covered in matted fur and crude armour. Snarling, it pushed the Dragon Knight back, drool dripping from its jaws.

Aknadin's eyes flickered open, and he sat up slowly, his gaze cold as he scanned the room. His expression showed no surprise, only a dark, calculated awareness as he took in the scene.

"Who goes there? How dare you attempt to assassinate a Sacred Guardian?!" Aknadin's voice rang out, filled with indignation.

I cursed under my breath. Was he feigning unconsciousness this whole time? No matter-I'd hoped to do this quietly, but that was no longer an option.

With a frown, I commanded my spirit to strike again. The Dragon Knight of Creation thrust his blade forward, aiming directly at Aknadin.

"Two-Headed Jackal, defend!" Aknadin shouted, and his spirit moved swiftly, intercepting the blade with its shield. But I'd anticipated this. Without hesitation, I summoned the Herald

of Creation behind him.


In a flash, my spirit raised her staff, launching a blazing fireball that engulfed Aknadin's position, tearing through the room. As the smoke cleared, my stomach tightened. Aknadin

was still standing.

Behind him lay the remains of a charred spirit, hastily summoned to absorb the blow. Aknadin grimaced, coughing as blood trickled from his lips, yet his eyes burned with cold fury as he glared at the spirits surrounding him.

"Fine," he sneered, his gaze shifting, searching the room for me, unable to spot me standing

in the middle of the room. "If you don't show yourself, then I'll just destroy both of your

spirits here!"

The sound of approaching footsteps echoed in the corridor. 'The guards are on their way,' I thought, clenching my jaw. My Ba was draining fast, and time was slipping through my


"Attack again!" I ordered, sending both spirits forward. Working in perfect harmony, the knight and mage pressed Aknadin back, forcing him closer to the crumbling wall under their

relentless assault.

"ENOUGH!!" Aknadin bellowed, a surge of dark energy erupting from his body, blasting everything around him. The room's walls shattered, revealing the crimson sunset beyond. As

the Dragon Knight of Creation charged through the wreckage to reach him, a black appendage shot from Aknadin's shadow, swatting the knight back.

A sinister smile twisted across Aknadin's face as a purplish shroud of darkness wrapped around him, pulsing with unnatural power. Fully assimilating with the darkness in his heart, he's no longer shackled by his duty, and a dark magical power flowed around him.

"I no longer need to hide," he said, his voice dripping with malevolence. "I serve a new master, one who shares my vision and intelligence..."

The walls were blown apart, and the soldiers caught sight of Aknadin's transformation from both inside and outside the palace. He raised his arms, addressing the evening sky. "Now, I

shall see my lord's will fulfilled."

"Herald of Creation, stop him!" I yelled, desperation seeping into my voice. The mage moved quickly, casting a spell, but it was too late. Shadows twisted around Aknadin, forming an impenetrable barrier, then enveloping him entirely until his figure was obscured within a

sphere of darkness.

I watched, helpless, as the shadow sphere shrank into nothingness, taking Aknadin with it, leaving only me and my spirits in the shattered remains of the treatment room...

[3rd POV]

Meanwhile, out in the vast desert of Egypt, Yami Yugi and the Sacred Guardians raced fiercely

in pursuit of Yami Bakura. The desert sand, though rough, had not yet swallowed his trail


"Pharaoh, look!" Seto called, pointing toward the distant figure of Bakura riding ahead of


Yami Yugi's eyes narrowed as he felt the familiar surge of power from when he'd summoned Obelisk the Tormentor. Drawing upon his DiaDhank, he channelled his Ba into the device, which began to glow with intense light.

"Almighty protector of the sun and sky, I beg of thee, please heed my cry. Transform thyself

from an orb of light and bring me victory in this fight. I beseech thee, grace our humble game. But first, I shall... call out thy name: Winged Dragon of Ra!"

The sky overhead seemed to brighten as if the day had broken anew, and a deafening roar filled the desert air. A colossal shadow descended, and the mighty Winged Dragon of Ra spread its wings over the sands, its brilliant light reflecting across the barren landscape. The

god's gaze locked onto Yami Bakura, and it released a blazing beam of orange energy from its jaw.

"Diabound, block it!" Yami Bakura commanded, crossing his arms as Diabound threw itself in front of the attack. It absorbed the fiery blast, and with its free hand, it seized a boulder from the distant dunes, hurling it back toward the oncoming party.

The Winged Dragon of Ra retaliated with another beam, splitting the massive rock in two, the fragments raining down like jagged meteors.

"Watch out!" Shada shouted, summoning his spirit. "Zelua, protect us!"

A majestic humanoid bird appeared behind Shada, its wings unfurling. With a sweep of its arms, it sent a barrage of wind blades, shredding the debris to dust. As they pressed forward, the outline of abandoned buildings began to emerge over the crest of the next dune. Dilapidated and dark, the village stood eerily silent, its ancient structures showing no signs of


Yami Bakura spurred his horse ahead, disappearing into the shadowed alleys. As he faded from view, the quietness of the place sent a chill down everyone's spine.

"Is that the place?" Isis asked, her frown mirroring the unease of her companions. Yami Yugi raised a hand, signalling for caution. "Stay alert. He's leading us here for a reason."

Their horses slowed to a trot as they reached the heart of the empty village. The square was desolate, with only the distant whisper of the desert wind breaking the silence. The Guardians

exchanged tense glances, each one feeling the heavy weight of the quiet, eerie atmosphere surrounding them.

"This will take too long if we explore the village together. I propose we split up," the Pharaoh

announced, his tone calm but firm. "Seto and Karim, you'll form one group. Shada, you and Isis will form another."

Seto frowned, "And what about you, your Highness?"

"I'll go alone," Yami Yugi replied, silencing any protest with a determined look. "No objections." Reluctantly, the Sacred Guardians nodded. Without delay, they each set off into the dark village, beginning their search for any secrets this shadowed place might hold.

A few minutes later...

Seto walked in silence down the abandoned streets, his thoughts drifting. Yuna's warning

about Aknadin gnawed at him, and the fact that Aknadin had remained back at the palace weighed heavily on his mind.

"Is something on your mind, Lord Seto?" Karim asked, noting his companion's distraction. Seto shook his head, "Just a trivial concern. It's nothing."

Karim gave him a wary look. "Regardless, we must stay vigilant here," he cautioned.

Seto sighed, then nodded, pushing his worries aside. Yet, even as he tried to focus, his

thoughts kept returning to Yuna's words. Then, unexpectedly, they both spotted a figure moving in the distance.

"Halt!" Karim shouted, taking a step forward. "State your name and business!"

The figure came closer, revealing a familiar face. "Lord Karim, Lord Seto... it's me."

"Aknadin!" Karim exclaimed, astonished. "What are you doing here?"

Seto's face darkened, and he raised a hand. "Stop! How do we know you're the real Aknadin?

You were recovering back at the palace."

With a steady smile, Aknadin spoke calmly, "After recovering, I immediately came to assist. I

couldn't allow the Pharaoh to face danger while I stayed behind."

"Your words seem reasonable enough, but they're not proof," Seto said, his voice sharp. He glanced at Karim. "Karim, if you would."

Karim nodded, stepping forward and lifting the Millennium Scale. As it glowed, the scale began to tremble violently, both sides swaying under intense pressure. The two guardians watched with bated breath until the scale finally tipped, landing heavily on the side of


In that instant, time seemed to slow. Seto moved just as Aknadin's lips twisted into a wicked

grin. Shadows rose from behind Karim, forming a sharp spike that struck him in the side. "Traitor!" Seto shouted, his voice filled with a mix of fury and betrayal.

Before Seto could react, a horde of monsters flooded the street. Karim clutched his wound, gasping, "Lord Seto... you have to get out of here."n/ô/vel/b//jn dot c//om

"And leave you behind?" Seto retorted, his voice laced with anguish.

Karim managed a weak smile, "Go... the Pharaoh needs to know the truth. You must tell him...

Aknadin has betrayed us."

Seto hesitated, fists clenched, but he knew there was no time. With one final look, he turned

and retreated, his heart heavy.

Watching him go, Karim straightened himself, a fierce resolve lighting his eyes. "I am a

Sacred Guardian, and I will fulfil my duty... even if it costs my life! I summon Curse of

Dragon!" The creature appeared, a slender dragon with golden scales and jagged spikes. Karim raised a hand, his voice resolute, "Destroy them all!"

The Curse of Dragon unleashed a wave of fire, enveloping the street in a sea of flames...

Elsewhere in Kul Ena...

Yami Yugi's footsteps echoed as he wandered deeper into the village, his sense of unease growing with each step. The Millennium Puzzle around his neck pulsed as if trying to warn him of an unseen danger. At last, he reached the edge of the village, where the ground sloped

up to a towering cliff face, forming a natural wall against intruders.

A dark cave entrance lay before him, and his instincts urged him forward. Ignoring the chill

creeping down his spine, he entered, pushing through the shadows until he reached the end of the passage. What he saw there left him speechless.

The cavern was vast void as if a great force had hollowed out the heart of the mountain,


leaving behind an empty hall that echoed with a chilling silence. At the centre loomed a massive stone carving that dominated the floor, its design resembling a sarcophagus ominous intent. Intricate slots were meticulously carved into the stone's forehead, eyes, chest, hands, and lower body.

Yami Yugi's brow furrowed in unease. "What could be hidden beneath that sarcophagus?" A

deep sense of foreboding gripped him, a foul presence that made the hair on the back of his neck stand on end.

Suddenly, he felt a chilling aura behind him. He scowled and turned slowly, confronting Yami Bakura. "What is this place? What is that stone carving?"

"This is the Mortuary Temple," Bakura replied, his voice dripping with malice as he stepped

closer. "That," he gestured menacingly at the carving behind Yugi, "is the Millennium Stone. It was forged from the blood, flesh, and bones of ninety-nine souls from this village..." Yami Yugi's eyes widened, shock rendering him momentarily speechless. "You can't be


"It is the truth," Bakura sneered, his twisted smile betraying his glee. "These so-called divine items are birthed from the death of my family!"

"Is this why you're doing this? For revenge?" Yami Yugi's voice was thick with anger and pity.

"Yes," Bakura replied coldly. "Even in death, my people will not be forgotten. Their darkness

festers beneath that stone, waiting for release. I will gather all the Millennium Items and unleash what lies within!"

"You think I'll let you succeed?" Yami Yugi shouted defiantly, clenching his fists. "I understand your pain, but I won't stand by and let you bring this to fruition!" "Too late for a reason," Bakura hissed. "You will all perish!" With that, they both activated

their DiaDhank, the air crackling with energy. "Die!"

Five Minutes Later...

"Your Highness!" Frantic voices echoed from outside the cave as the Sacred Guardians finally

arrived, having learned of the dire situation from Seto. A heavy weight of sorrow fell over

them as they mourned Karim's sacrifice...

They burst into the chamber to find chaos, craters pockmarked the ground, and in the midst of the wreckage, Yami Bakura and Yami Yugi fought fiercely. Diabound, coiling like a serpent, lunged at Slifer the Sky Dragon, tightening its grip around the Egyptian God's neck. The guardians longed to intervene, but an overwhelming tide of monsters surged into the

room, blocking their path. Yami Bakura's minions poured in, a relentless wave that kept the Sacred Guardians at bay...

Amidst the turmoil, Bakura cast a sly glance at the Pharaoh. "As much as I'd love to prolong

this little game, it's time to end it. Aknadin!" From the shadows, Aknadin emerged and

attacked Yami Yugi, leaving the Pharaoh reeling in confusion.

With his opportunity seized, Yami Bakura slipped past the fray, approaching the Millennium Stone at the centre of the room. He began to chant, his voice rising with dark intensity. "Stop him!" Seto yelled, desperation filling his voice as the guardians attempted to thwart Bakura's plan, only to be met by swarming monsters shielding the thief king.

With each incantation, the Millennium Items gleamed ominously, their power waning as the

connection to their wielders weakened. The room trembled with energy, and when Bakura concluded his chant, a devastating shockwave erupted.

A piercing scream erupted from Aknadin as the Millennium Eye was torn from his socket while

the other artifacts broke free from the Sacred Guardians' grasp. Even the Millennium Puzzle,

Yami Yugi's steadfast companion, was ripped away...

The Millennium Items flew toward the sarcophagus, slotting into place with a resounding



The ground shuddered violently, and a massive chasm opened beneath everyone, plunging

into an unfathomable abyss. Grinning maniacally, Yami Bakura spread his arms wide, proclaiming, "At last! Take my soul and body as a sacrifice! Bring evil upon this land! I call upon you, the one true God, Zorc Necrophades!!" Dark tendrils wrapped around Bakura and Diabound, dragging them into the void. From the darkness, a colossal purplish arm emerged, clawing its way into the world. It was a grotesque

figure adorned with twisted horns, bat-like wings, and a massive dragon appendage jutting grotesquely from its chest... The creature towered over Slifer the Sky Dragon, its monstrous head smashing through the ceiling, shattering stone as moonlight flooded into the chamber. It glared down with blood- red eyes, and an icy shiver raced down the spines of all who beheld it. The sensation was far removed from the overwhelming presence of the Egyptian God; this

was something primal, something far more terrifying. For the first time, the Pharaoh and the

Sacred Guardians felt genuine dread...

Zorc Necrophades, the Great Evil God, had been resurrected...

I hope you enjoy it!

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