Villain: Transmigrated Into A NTR Manga As The Antagonist

Chapter 86 Preventing an Assault

86  Preventing an Assault

The day after the encounter in the library, something peculiar happened at the university. The two boys who were gazing at Min-Ji with ravenous eyes spent their free period in the morning within the chemistry lab. Cooking up a particularly heinous drug. It was not until it was almost lunchtime, that Ju Won, who was the boy that had a crush on Min-Ji, found his two friends alone, with a vial of a clear and odorless liquid in their hands.

Curious about why they had spent the morning in the chemistry lab, Ju Won was quick to speak up, with an almost innocent tone in his voice.

"What is it that the two of you have there?"

Fearing that they had been caught in the act, the two boys flinched, with one of them tossing the vial in the air. It almost hit the ground and shattered, but the lanky man saved it just in the nick of time. Once he had done so, the fatso sighed in relief while clenching his chest from the borderline heart attack he had just received. He then scolded Ju Won for sneaking up on the two of them like that.

"God dammit, are you crazy Ju Won? I damn near had a heart attack!"

Ju Won wanted to mention that the man should probably lay off the potato chips and ice cream if he didn't want to have a heart attack, but since he was a friend, Ju Won chose not to say anything, and instead reiterated his previous question.

"I'm sorry, I'm just curious about what you two have there? Why are you in the lab when lunch is just around the corner?"

The two young men looked at each other with a guilty expression before they both sighed heavily. It was ultimately the rat-faced, lanky boy who spoke of their wicked plot.

"This? This is just something we cooked up to help that lovely girl you like fall in love with you!"

The fatso shook his head, but it was hard to tell due to his obesity. After all, his neck blended in with the rest of his body. And he was quick to speak further of their plans.

"We thought you needed all the help you could get, especially after that damned foreigner started hanging around Min-Ji. Don't worry, this love potion is one hundred percent safe! You have our word!"

Ju Won looked at his friends as if they were absolute fucking morons, before speaking his thoughts aloud in a far more polite manner.

"You guys seriously need to touch some grass. A love potion? This isn't freaking dungeons and dragons!"

The two men, however, did not take offense, and instead wore confident expressions on their ugly faces, as they convinced Ju Won that their "love potion" was indeed the real deal.

"Are you doubting the skills of the two greatest chemists in all of Asia? I'll have you know, this product has been tested on lab rats, and it works perfectly! All you need to do is slip this little potion into a drink and offer it to Min-Ji and she will fall head over heels in love with you!"


"Are you doubting the skills of the two greatest chemists in all of Asia? I'll have you know, this product has been tested on lab rats, and it works perfectly! All you need to do is slip this little potion into a drink and offer it to Min-Ji and she will fall head over heels in love with you!"

As much as Ju Won thought that, his friends were completely full of shit. He couldn't help but take the bait. He was, after all, extremely desperate to make Min-Ji fall in love with him. But with a guy like Alex around, there was no way she would even see him as a potential love interest. Thus, he sighed heavily and demanded the "love potion" from his two friends.

"Alright… I'll trust in your abilities. But if this doesn't work, then I am going to be seriously pissed off!"

The two boys quickly handed over the vial, before assuring their friend that it would indeed work.

"Not to worry! We are perfectionists, after all!"

With the vial now in his hands, Ju Won had a semi-confident smile on his face, as he planned to buy a drink, and spike it with the drug that his two friends had prepared. He quickly fled from the room with a pep in his step as he bade his friends farewell.

"Alright! I'll let you guys know how it turns out!"

After the two young men were all alone, they rubbed their hands like a couple of greedy goblins before espousing their true intentions aloud.

"Fucking idiot! I can't believe he bought that love potion bullshit!"

The fatso laughed when he heard this, before speaking with an overly excited tone in his voice. So much so that one might think his blood pressure was spiking.

"I know, right? Just imagine the look on his face when that fucking flat chested bitch passes out in front of him!"

Though the Lanky boy was equally as excited as his fat friend for what they had planned, he was quick to caution the man on being too excited.

"Patience, my friend… Our time will come soon enough, and then that nerdy whore will regret treating us like scum! After all, we are going to make sure the videos are uploaded to the internet so everybody knows we aren't virgins anymore!"

Ju Won had no idea that he had been duped into drugging Min-Ji so that his two friends could rape her unconscious body. Instead, he was quite happy as he foolishly purchased a soda and spiked it with the sedative. Once he had done so, he found Min-Ji in the library eating alone while studying like she always did.

The idiotic boy quickly approached the girl and offered her a drink, despite the fact that she already had one which was sitting next to her.

"Hey Min-Ji! Are you thirsty? I bought you an ice cold cola!"

Min-Ji stared at her classmate with a deep sense of suspicion in her eyes. After the previous day, where Alex warned her about monsters and weak men, she no longer had the naivety to carelessly accept a drink from a stranger. Thus, she returned her gaze back to her book while eating her lunch with her chopsticks.

"No thanks, as you can see, I already have a drink…"

This caused Ju Won to freeze on the spot. Indeed, she did have a drink already. How in the hell was he supposed to convince her to drink the love potion now? He could only think about how cool his drink was compared to the one she had, which was simply a cup of tea.

"Yeah, but mine is nice and cold. And on a hot day like this, isn't that a better idea than a steaming cup of tea?"

The fact that this kid was insisting on her drinking the cola that he had prepared for her made Min-Ji certain that something else was in the drink. Thus, she narrowed her eyes and pulled out her phone, where she texted Alex a single message: "Help!"

After saying this, she put her phone away before rejecting the drink once more.

"No thanks, I'm good… Please stop disturbing me…"

It was only after Min-Ji had rejected Ju Won a second time did the boy's friends appear from the woodwork and surround the girl, with a vicious glint in their eyes.

"Hey! Our friend paid for this drink just for you! Don't you think you owe him the bare minimum courtesy of accepting it?"

Unfortunately for the three of them, a strong and masculine voice erupted from behind them as the drink was yanked from their hands.

"I'll accept it on her behalf!"

Alex then questioned the three men by asking just what they had spiked it with.

"Let me guess, Rohypnol? Or is it some other sedative, like ketamine? You guys seriously didn't think you would be able to drug a girl on campus without anyone finding out, did you? I mean, honestly, what exactly did you plan to do if she just passed out on the spot? Were you going to drag her unconscious body into the bathroom? How stupid are you!?!"

The two men instantly flinched as they realized that their plan had failed. They were just about to run away when Alex grabbed hold of their necks and gritted his teeth with a murderous smile on his face.

 Despite the fact that his right hand was stinging in pain due to the wound that was currently on it, Alex did not care in the slightest because he considered restraining these two criminals to be worth far more than the rupture of a few stitches. Nôv(el)B\\jnn

"Now tell me? Where do the two of you would be rapists think you are going to run off to?"

Ju Won was astonished that Alex thought his friends would actually try to sedate and rape a girl. And because of this, he foolishly came to their defense. And in doing so, incriminate himself. After all, it's not like the prosecutor would believe that a college student genuinely believed love potions were a real thing. "It's not a drug! It's a love potion!"

Alex, of course, stared at the boy as if he were an absolute idiot. Before telling him he was one.

"Kid, are you perhaps slow? A love potion? Really? What kind of idiot are you? This soda is obviously fucking drugged, and I'm damn sure the police will be able to find out just what these two idiots spiked it with!

Min-Ji, do you mind reaching into my back pocket and pulling out my phone, password is 1648. There is a contact named 'Bitches Love Cannons' on my phone, give her a call and put her on speaker. Why don't you?"

Without even realizing it, Min-Ji found herself doing exactly as Alex said while the man restrained the two would be rapists with a firm grip around their necks. Once the call connected, a feminine, but irritated voice answered.

"Hello, who is this?"

Alex wore a confident smirk as he called out to Chun-Hei. Where she immediately recognized his voice.

"Police girl, is that you? Long time no see! Anyway, I got a legal question for you. Is attempting to drug a girl with the intent of rape a crime? I'm pretty sure it is, but I just wanted to check with you. Cuz I've caught three would be rapists at my university, and I need some advice on how to handle this situation.

Now I could perform a citizen's arrest on these pricks, but I'm pretty sure there are laws against excessive force, and if I were to do such a thing, I can promise you they would definitely need to visit the hospital. So, how do you want to handle this?"

Chun-Hei was more concerned about the fact that Alex had her number and was quite hostile when she responded to him.

"How the hell did you get this number? Are you stalking me, you fucking bastard?"

Min-Ji was honestly not that surprised that a woman would speak to Alex in such a tone. In fact, she automatically assumed whoever this police girl was, she was a jilted lover of the man's. Thus, she sighed heavily and blushed in embarrassment when she noticed the entire library was recording the scene. Alex, of course, laughed off the woman's response before demanding an answer.

"Don't worry about it, just answer the damn question, woman!"

Chun-Hei's defeated sigh could be heard throughout the library as she responded to Alex's tone with the words he wanted to hear the most.

"Fine… I'll send a squad car over to investigate the situation. And you better not assault the suspects, or else I'll have you arrested this time!"

Alex responded in an absolutely shameless way, which shocked both Min-Ji and all the other bystanders.

"Sure sweetheart, whatever you say. We both know how that turned out the last time. Just get here quickly. The third little worm isn't restrained. I mean, it's not like I have three fucking arms, and if he runs away with the evidence, I won't be able to do anything about it!"

After saying this, Alex motioned towards the bottle with his eyes, so that Min-Ah understood to grab it. Which she quickly did before Ju Won could abscond with the evidence. And before long the police arrived, and investigated the situation, where the toxicology lab confirmed that the soda was indeed drugged with a sedative. Not only that, but the security cameras of the university clearly showed the two boys manufacture it on campus, while Ju Won took it in an attempt to coerce Min-Ji to drink it.

Needless to say, all three of them were arrested and faced numerous heinous charges. And just like that, Alex had gotten rid of a potential rival before he even had a chance to win Min-Ji over. Oddly enough, it was not only Min-Ji's affection which raised because of this, but also Chun-Hei's and Hae-won's. [Min-Ji's Affection: 90/100]

[Chun-Hei's Affection: 50/100]

[Hae-won's Affection: 80/100]

With this, Alex had killed two birds with one stone, and was one step closer to claiming the two beauties for himself. Something he planned to do within the next few weeks.

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