The Terminally Ill Young Master of the Baek Clan

Chapter 14: Azure Forest's Peony, Jin Ri-yeon (1)

Chapter 14: Azure Forest's Peony, Jin Ri-yeon (1)

「Originally, even if one possesses the Eye of Pixiu, cultivating True Qi is an impossible task. Only with something like the Dragon’s Orb might it be possible.」

Yi-gang sat in a cross-legged position, appearing lifeless. Beside him, the Immortal Divine Sword guided him.

「However, it’s possible for you, descendant. Because you’re special. Why? Because of that material.」

To the outsider, it merely looked as though he was meditating, but the situation was far from ordinary. As proof, a red light emanated from the necklace in Yi-gang’s hand.

「You saw the spiritual energy with your own eyes, saw me, and touched the sealing rope that doesn’t allow anyone to approach. This means your spiritual eyes have already partially awakened. Originally, one’s cultivation should reach the heavens for the spiritual eyes to manifest.」

That was the reason the Immortal Divine Sword was surprised at Yi-gang.

The spiritual energy emanating from the necklace and floating around; Yi-gang visualized it. It was a realm still not permitted to Yi-gang. If one were to make an analogy, it was like a sparrow with the wings of a phoenix.

Because of that, the Immortal Divine Sword placed its hopes on Yi-gang.

「True Qi is delicate. If you don’t want to die, focus till the very end!」

Yi-gang had not moved for six hours.

And finally, his eyes snapped open.


Black blood gushed out from his mouth.

“Cough, gasp.”

Yi-gang picked up a handkerchief and wiped his mouth.

Born weak due to the Great Yin Meridian Blockage, Yi-gang often suffered from hemoptysis. However, the blood he just expelled was unusually dark.

「During the process of stoking the true Qi, the impurities that were around it have melted away.」

“Wow, it really works.”

Yi-gang, looking at the thoroughly soaked handkerchief with blood, was amazed.

He was not surprised by spitting out blood anymore, but he found it astonishing that real impurities were being expelled.

「There are a lot of things that will surprise you. That just goes to show how dire the state of your physical body was. How does your body feel now?」

“Much better.”

He got up and moved his limbs. His body, which had felt as heavy as waterlogged cotton, was now light.

「Didn’t I mention that the True Qi is life energy? Naturally, it would alleviate some discomfort in your body. However, it might not completely cure your illness.」

“This much is already more than enough.”

「Now, you should be able to use the art of light footwork without any hindrance.」

It was an excellent achievement. Until now, even making his body feel lighter was a challenge.

「And, though only a little, you might be able to challenge the next step.」

“The next step?”

「Didn’t I tell you? If you don’t want to be looked down upon by the youngsters you’ll meet, you need to have some tricks up your sleeve.」

“I’ve heard who might be visiting. The brothers Moyong Tak and Moyong Jin from the Moyong Clan. Peng Mu-ah from the Peng Clan. Jin Ri-yeon from Azure Forest.”

Even Moyong Jin, who was a year younger than Yi-gang, and Peng Mu-ah, of the same age, would likely have exceptional martial arts skills.

Unless they were competing in catching goblins, Yi-gang could not match them.

“A technique…”

「Exactly. A technique that can, if need be, break your arms and legs, but still can crush an opponent’s nose.」

“I can’t have my arms and legs broken.”

「It’s just a figure of speech. Isn’t it worth learning?」

Hearing this, Yi-gang became curious.

「The completed Great Yin Flow you possess, which naturally includes movements that clear the mind, is a nine-form technique. Do you remember the first True Flow you learned after that?」

“Isn’t it the secret art of light footwork, which makes the body light?”

「Yes, if there’s a first True Flow, there’s naturally a second. Now, lift that cute fist of yours.」

Yi-gang quietly raised his fist.

A fist that has not seen sunlight, pale and dry. It did not look adorable, but neither did it seem like the fist of a martial artist.

「What if that fist became as hard as steel? So strong that not even a blade could harm it? Crushing a human’s nasal bone would then be a piece of cake.」

“Are you talking about external techniques to strengthen the body?”

「It’s not that simple. It’s the second True Flow of Great Yin Flow, the secret art of strengthened body.」

It too was a martial art that deviated from the usual. Yi-gang showed great interest.

However, the Immortal Divine Sword had a stern expression.

「Of course, training to the extent of blocking a sword is a far-off goal. I’ll teach you the basics tomorrow.」

“I feel fine now.”

「Excess is only second to deficiency.」

“…I see.”

Yi-gang briefly looked out the window and easily accepted the advice. The sun had already set, and it was almost time for the evening glow.

“More time has passed than I thought.”

「You managed to stimulate True Qi in just six hours, so it’s quite fast. Do you want to rest for a bit now?」

However, Yi-gang shook his head.

“No, it’s time. I’m going out.”

「Going out again? Perhaps I was too lenient with the whip.」

“I got permission for this outing. I’ll also have an escort.”

Saying that, Yi-gang approached the vase next to his bed. He then picked up the white chrysanthemum that was placed in it.

“It’s been almost two months since I last visited, so I thought it might be time to go again,”

Yi-gang spoke while wrapping the chrysanthemum in paper.

「Why the chrysanthemum?」

“When meeting after such a long time, shouldn’t I bring at least a flower?”

「…You’re going to that child’s grave.」

While there was not a custom of taking chrysanthemums to graves in the Central Plains, Yi-gang had personally acquired one.

“Yes, while I’m there, I also intend to meet the Low Down Sect disciple again.”

The task he had instructed to a person named Jeong Gu should be nearing its completion.

Yi-gang tucked the bouquet of chrysanthemums under his arm. His expression was not very bright.

The Immortal Divine Sword observed Yi-gang for a moment, then spoke with a smile,

「On your way, try practicing the art of light footwork a bit more.」

“You told me to rest. Is it okay?”

「It might not be bad to forget your idle thoughts. I’ll help you.」

“That sounds good then.”

Thus, Yi-gang and the Immortal Divine Sword conversed amicably as they walked—

Slowly digesting and reflecting upon unpleasant memories.

And at that moment, at the Greatest Gold Tower—

The lavish five-story restaurant was erected with great ambition by the Xi’an branch of the Low Down Sect. The place was popular even in this historic city.

Its cuisine was renowned, and the white liquor fermented in-house was known for its exquisite aroma. Especially, the topmost fifth floor had such a high reputation that even money could not easily buy one an entry.

That night, young martial artists occupied the best room on the fifth floor.

Four individuals in total: A man and a woman who appeared in their early 20s, and another pair, a boy and a girl, who seemed in their early teens.

Among them, a young man in his 20s with mixed-race features heartily took a drink from his glass.

“Whew! Indeed, the Gold Essence Liquor here is a specialty! It was a good decision to visit a day early. Haha!”

“We’re meeting with the Clan Head of the Baek Clan tomorrow. Are you sure drinking is a good idea?”

“Haha, we’ve come all the way to Xi’an and you’re diving straight into business? Even Senior Sister Jin might want to enjoy this liquor.”

“I’ll pass.”

The woman called Senior Sister Jin flatly refused, but the young man did not seem bothered, laughing instead.

Furthermore, he spoke in a somewhat greasy tone,

“Normally, outsiders aren’t let in so easily. We’re lucky. Perhaps they offered us the fifth floor because they recognized Senior Sister Jin’s beauty.”

“…Or perhaps they might’ve guessed the identity of the envoy from Young Master Moyong. The Low Down Sect’s eyes are spread throughout Central Plains, after all.”

“Hehe, that could be the case.”

These were the members of the Seven Stars Conference who were visiting the Baek Clan. The young man drinking was Moyong Tak, affiliated with the current Seven Star Conference, and the woman was Jin Ri-yeon from Azure Forest.

Moyong Tak’s younger brother, the 13-year-old Moyong Jin, was munching on a chicken leg on the side.

“Big brother, what about that Baek Ha-jun kid? Is he strong?”

“Hmm, I’ve heard he’s quite skilled.”

“But I must be stronger, right? After all, you’re 100 times stronger than the current Young Master Baek Yeong-il.”

Baek Yeong-il is a martial artist affiliated with the current Seven Star Conference. While he was not particularly remarkable, Moyong Jin’s question was somewhat impolite.

Of course, Moyong Tak just laughed it off in a hearty manner.

“Well… Hahaha! Check it out when you meet him.”

“Yes! Hehe.”

Jin Ri-yeon, who was not affiliated with the Seven Star Conference, found the whole situation somewhat uncomfortable.

The self-proclaimed debonair Moyong Tak and his brother Moyong Jin, whose only concern seemed to be about who was stronger, both felt a bit awkward to her.

“Hey, you’re spitting out food!”

“Oh, s-sorry.”

However, Peng Mu-ah, who followed her around calling her “sister,” was somewhat endearing.

“Eat quietly.”


The 14-year-old Peng Mu-ah scolded Moyong Jin, but all he did was blush. Peng Mu-ah gave a huff and continued her meal in silence.

Jin Ri-yeon cautiously stood up from her seat.

“I will retire for the night.”

“Oh, why not stay a bit longer?”

“I’m a bit tired.”

Ignoring the lingering taste in her mouth, she left Moyong Tak behind and exited the room.

Intent on returning to her assigned bedroom, Jin Ri-yeon changed her mind and headed towards a window at the end of the hallway. As she opened it and inhaled the cool air, she felt a little more at ease.

‘Forest Lord…’

Jin Ri-yeon, known by the nickname Azure Forest’s Peony, was a renowned martial artist in the martial world. She ventured into Jianghu at the age of 17, and now, four years later, she was 21.

Until a few months ago, she was elated about returning to Azure Forest after a long four years.

‘…What on earth is in this Xi’an place.’

However, a letter from her sect held her back. It was a personal letter sent to her by the Forest Lord of Azure Forest.

Having read the letter, Jin Ri-yeon abruptly halted her return to the sect. Subsequently, she arrived at Xi’an, accompanying the group from the Seven Star Conference.

‘A red star has risen in the northern sky. It seems a new wave has begun in the Baek Clan. You should go and see for yourself.’

Its contents were not easily understood.

However, Jin Ri-yeon did not dare defy, she followed the letter’s instructions. If the Forest Lord said it was so, it must be. But she could not even guess what awaited her here.

From the fifth floor, Xi’an looked like a vibrant city. With the sunset’s aid, the city glowed red, and she raised her hand. On her wrist was an antique-looking metal bracelet.

It was one of the artifacts of Azure Forest. It was a bracelet said to vibrate by itself upon encountering mystics.

Before she stepped into Jianghu, the Forest Lord had given it to her.


Jin Ri-yeon, lost in thought, was called by Peng Mu-ah who had followed her out unnoticed.

“Ah, why did you come out early without finishing your meal?”

“No, I ate plenty.”

Peng Mu-ah ran toward her with a broad smile.

Then, she nearly clung to Jin Ri-yeon, who was standing by the window.

At first, Peng Mu-ah’s clinging behavior took Jin Ri-yeon by surprise, but she had grown used to it. She stroked Peng Mu-ah’s head.

“I came out early because I couldn’t stand the sight of Moyong Tak and that guy Moyong Jin.”

“Oh, you couldn’t stand the sight of them?”

“Yes, they’re always acting so smug.”

Peng Mu-ah did not have a fondness for the Moyong brothers.

Jin Ri-yeon felt a pang of sympathy inside. After all, Moyong Jin, the younger brother, seemed to be infatuated with Peng Mu-ah. The irony was that the very person in question, Peng Mu-ah, probably had no idea.

“Moyong Jin definitely seems to like me. But I’m not into guys like that.”

“…Did you know?”

“Of course I knew! I’ve known since the first time I saw him. Isn’t it pretty obvious?”

Jin Ri-yeon only caught on to that much later. For now, she simply nodded in response.

“I don’t like brash guys. Their intentions are too transparent. And I also don’t like those who are wishy-washy.”

“What do you mean by wishy-washy?”

“Their martial arts skills! He acts all tough even though he’s weaker than me.”

“So, to catch your fancy, one would have to be stronger than you?”

“No. They’d have to be stronger than my dad, but honestly, that’s going to be hard. I actually prefer weaker guys.”

That response was quite unexpected.

“Not wishy-washy ones, but the kind that makes me want to protect them!”

Peng Mu-ah said so, showing a cute clenched fist. Despite her adorable appearance, Jin Ri-yeon was well aware of how formidable Peng Mu-ah’s techniques were.

Her blade technique, Five Tigers’ Gate Splitting Blade, would soon gain great renown.

“It’d be nice if you could meet someone like that.”

“Yes, and I also like you, sister.”

“I like you too, Peng Mu-ah.”

Having only brothers, in just a few months, Peng Mu-ah had come to regard Jin Ri-yeon as an elder sister.

“When you’re feeling down, how about taking a walk alone?”


“That’s what I do when dad scolds me. It makes me feel a bit better. Gives me some time to think.”

It was an unexpected suggestion. It seemed Peng Mu-ah had followed Jin Ri-yeon out because she was worried about her.

Touched by her thoughtful gesture, Jin Ri-yeon felt a lump in her throat.

“Maybe I should?”

Peng Mu-ah beamed. Jin Ri-yeon responded with a faint smile.

“It’s getting late, so don’t stay out too long!”

“Alright, take a rest.”

Peng Mu-ah waved repeatedly, seeing Jin Ri-yeon off.

Jin Ri-yeon felt lighter than she had a while ago.

Even though the setting sun meant darkness was imminent, a nighttime stroll would not be too bad.

However, the moment she stepped out of the restaurant’s main gate, she found herself involuntarily stopping.

‘Where should I go?’

She had arrived in Xi’an only this morning. Even if she wanted to take a walk, she was unfamiliar with the geography of this place.

And there was another fact that others were unaware of: Jin Ri-yeon was notoriously bad with directions.

She glanced to the left, then to the right, hesitating for a moment.

Just then, a man wandering around aimlessly caught her eye. An ordinary-looking man in ordinary clothes. Like Jin Ri-yeon, he seemed lost.

Suddenly, the man turned toward Jin Ri-yeon and waved with a friendly gesture.

“Ah, you’re here!”


She was taken aback. Why would a stranger act like they knew her?

Of course, she had been mistaken.

“Wow, seeing you in person, you’re indeed quite the beauty. Your features are as if they’ve been carved from jade!”

“So you recognized me right away, even without having seen my face.”

A boy brushed past right next to Jin Ri-yeon.

It was this boy whom the man was greeting.

“It’s the young master of Xi’an, isn’t it?”

“Have you carried out what I instructed?”

Jin Ri-yeon became stiff as ice.

Her pupils constricted in shock. All thoughts of a stroll evaporated in that instant.

It was because of the boy who had passed by her side.

‘…I didn’t sense him at all.’

She had not heard even the slightest footstep when he brushed past her.

Jin Ri-yeon, being a highly regarded next-generation master, found it unbelievable that she could not sense such a young boy.

“Here, I’ve enclosed the documents.”

“I’ll look at it later. Good work.”

“Oh, there’s no need for this again. I respectfully decline. Just remember to call upon me again.”

The sight of the man, who appeared much older, humbly refusing the silver coins from the young-looking boy did not register to Jin Ri-yeon.

‘Is it my misconception?’

Even though she thought she had not sensed him at all, the boy’s retreating figure, ambling away, looked completely ordinary once again.

Perhaps she was so lost in thought that she did not hear the footsteps.



Jin Ri-yeon’s bracelet vibrated. It was the Azure Forest artifact, said to tremble when encountering the mystics.

She quickly looked up to see the boy.


Just like a moment ago, even though he was definitely walking, there was no sound, as if he were a ghost.

Without realizing it, Jin Ri-yeon started following him.

She decided to trace the steps of that boy. It was not a thought-out plan but seemed more like an instinctual decision. In that moment, the path of her nighttime stroll was determined.

Soon, the front of the restaurant’s grand gate became deserted as even Jin Ri-yeon followed Yi-gang.

However, shortly after, a surprised voice of Jeong Gu echoed from inside the gate.

“…What? They are staying here right now? One of them just left?”

Jeong Gu hurriedly ran out from the restaurant, but by then, both Yi-gang and Jin Ri-yeon had disappeared.

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