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9 days ago
Tian Man Continent is a world of martial arts. A young boy named «Su Yi» led countless yao... Read more Tian Man Continent is a world of martial arts. A young boy named «Su Yi» led countless yao (monsters or demons) and overrode countless families who had thousands of years of history. He rose abruptly in the world as the brightest star in the sky. He married beauties and walked towards the peak of of the world, and finally ascended onto the thrones of the ancient gods! Collapse Absent Parents, Arranged Marriage, Cultivation, Demons, Fast Cultivation, Genius Protagonist, Gods, Magical Space, Male Protagonist, Monsters, Polygamy, Revenge, Romantic Subplot, Ruthless Protagonist, Transmigration, Weak to Strong So the synopsis just told us the whole story..... MC literally admits to SAing a girl in the first chapter. Now, if he redeems himself somehow that'd be cool, but the story just keeps going downhill from there. It's another boring cultivation novel with an MC that tries to be "honorable" but is so blinded by one moral that he makes the dumbest decisions Dead translation