Spider-Man 0X

Ch: 191 [Rogue & Peter]

Ch: 191 [Rogue & Peter]

Peter watched as Rogue explored the treehouse, her wide eyes gleaming with excitement. The small space was cozy, filled with books, bean bags, a small couch, and a telescope by the window. She was looking at the nice view of the orchard through the window. It had a comfortable, lived-in atmosphere. Rogue was visibly thrilled, her initial nervousness fading as she touched the items with a sense of childlike curiosity.

"This place is really nice," she said, turning back to him with a bright smile. "I never imagined a date in a treehouse. I like it."

Peter chuckled and leaned against the doorframe, his arms crossed. "I'm glad you like it. I was kinda worried that you might not like it, but then thought it would be a nice change of pace from the usual city stuff."

"It really is," Rogue said, shifting her focus to the telescope and peering through it. "I feel like a kid again. I never had a treehouse growing up, so this is kind of a dream come true."

"I didn't have one either," Peter admitted, joining her near the telescope. "But I always wanted one. Figured it was about time to check that off my list."

Rogue laughed softly and moved away from the telescope, plopping down on the old couch with a satisfied sigh. She pulled her legs up and leaned against the cushions, looking at Peter expectantly. "So, what's next? I really like this place. So, I'm guessing you have something different in mind. What's your big surprise?"

He grinned and sat across from her on one of the beanbag chairs, sinking into its comfortable embrace. "Honestly, the surprise was just getting you here. I didn't plan anything too crazy after that. Thought we'd just hang out, talk, maybe cook some food, and enjoy the day... Get to know each other. What do you think?"

Her smile softened. "I think that sounds perfect." She took a bite of the apple she'd plucked earlier, savoring the sweet flavor as she looked around the treehouse again. "You really didn't need to do all this for me, you know. I would've been happy with just a simple lunch or dinner."

Peter shrugged nonchalantly. "That's too boring. Besides, where's the fun in eating at a restaurant rather than cooking the food yourself?"

"Fair point," Rogue said as she raised her eyebrows, "You can cook?" She asked.

"Yep," Peter nodded proudly. "Learned to cook when I was younger. My aunt taught me."

"That's great," She said with a smile. "I can only cook some basic dishes like chicken soup, pasta, omelet, and that's about it. I'm not even sure I'm good at those," She said, slightly embarrassed.

Peter chuckled. He could tell that she was beginning to relax, her earlier tension disappearing with every passing minute. After a brief moment of pause, as she finished eating the apple, he broke the silence, "So, what kind of music do you listen to?"

Rogue looked up, her eyes lighting up with interest. "Oh, I listen to all kinds of stuff. Mostly old-school rock, though. Bands like Led Zeppelin, Queen, Fleetwood Mac... that kind of thing. What about you?"

"Nice choices," Peter said, nodding approvingly. "I'm a fan of classic rock too. But I prefer jazz, especially when I'm working on projects. It helps me focus."

"Jazz, huh? That's pretty cool. I've never really gotten into it. Is it really good?" She said thoughtfully, tapping her chin.

"It is. I'll have to play you some of my favorite tracks sometime," Peter offered. "Maybe you'll become a fan."

She smiled. "I'd like that."

They kept chatting, and the conversation felt smooth as they talked about their favorite bands, movies, and even foods. Rogue said she really liked Southern comfort food, especially fried chicken and mashed potatoes. Peter admitted he couldn't resist New York-style pizza and sometimes treated himself to it after a long day of being, well, Spider-Man.

"Pizza, huh? That's a classic," Rogue joked. "I bet you eat it all the time."

"Guilty," Peter laughed. "It's kind of a must when you live in New York."

"Fair enough," She replied with a grin. "But if you're ever in the South, you've gotta try real Southern food. It'll blow your mind."

"I'll take you up on that," Peter said with a smile as he thought of going on another date with her. "Maybe you can show me around when I visit."

"Deal," Rogue said, smiling even more. She moved in her seat, getting more comfortable. "What about movies? Got any favorites?"

Peter thought for a moment. "I love sci-fi. Movies like Star Wars and The Matrix. But I also like old black-and-white films, the classics."

She raised an eyebrow, surprised. "You? Watching old black-and-white movies? I wouldn't have thought that."

He chuckled. "Not all, but some classics. What about you?"

"I'm more into thrillers," Rogue admitted. "You know, the ones that keep you on the edge of your seat, like Silence of the Lambs or Gone Girl. And I also love a good comedy. It makes life a bit more fun."

"That's an interesting mix," Peter said, leaning back in his beanbag chair. "I wouldn't have guessed that either."

"Well, I guess we both have our surprises," Rogue said, smiling coyly.

Peter smiled, enjoying how easy the conversation had become. It made him happy to see her like this—comfortable, happy, and unburdened.

"So," Rogue said after a moment, "can I ask you something?"

"Go ahead," Peter replied, curious.

She hesitated, then asked, "Your webs. Does it come out of you or do you use gadgets to produce them?"

Peter couldn't help but smile. Gwen also asked the same question back then and so did MJ, Michelle, and the others. They all wanted to know how his web works.

"Both," He answered, "I can shoot from my wrist." He gave her a demonstration by shooting some webs out of his wrist.

"Wow! That's awesome!" Rogue exclaimed with amazement as she watched the white string of fluid fly out of Peter's wrists. She leaned forward with interest. "How does it work?"

Peter chuckled. "I'm not really sure. It's just something that happens naturally when I want it to. Like flexing a muscle. It's hard to explain."

She nodded, still fascinated. "That's amazing."

"And before you ask any more questions about my web, no, it doesn't come out of my butt," Peter joked, causing Rogue to laugh.

"How did you know I was going to ask that?" She asked playfully.

"Everyone asks that question whenever I show them my webs. It's an obvious question to ask. Plus, I've seen enough memes on social media about it," Peter explained, amused.

Rogue laughed harder, shaking her head. "I saw those memes too. They're hilarious. You don't get angry over it? I'd probably be annoyed if people were making jokes like that about me."

Peter shrugged. "Nah. I find it funny. Just like there are fans, there are haters. I just ignore the haters. They aren't worth my time."

After spending a lot of time talking in the treehouse, they finally decided to climb down.

Peter stretched and stood up from the beanbag chair. "As much as I'm enjoying this, we should probably get down and grab some food. I promised we'd cook, remember?" He grinned, offering his hand to Rogue. She took it without hesitation, and he helped her to her feet.

"Sounds good to me," Rogue said, smiling brightly. "Lead the way."

Peter helped her down the ladder first before following behind. They walked together to the outdoor kitchen near the farmhouse. There was everything they needed to cook: a stove, oven, grill, and a countertop with all sorts of cooking equipment. The fridge was under the shed nearby. He walked up to the fridge.

"So, what would you like for lunch? I got everything here," He said as he opened the fridge to reveal tons of ingredients inside.

Rogue peered inside curiously, taking in all the different options.

"Fried chicken?" She suggested, looking over at him. Peter grinned and pulled out several packages of frozen chicken. "Perfect choice. I'll start frying it while you prepare the mashed potatoes."

She nodded enthusiastically and grabbed some potatoes from the basket on top of the counter.

They worked together to make lunch, chatting casually as they cooked. Rogue told Peter stories about her life which wasn't too good and kinda sad. But she did manage to make some friends who weren't afraid of her power, like Jubilee and Kitty. Peter shared his own stories of growing up as well, including some embarrassing moments. Rogue laughed at his antics and found them cute.

After they finished preparing the food, they sat down to enjoy their meal.

"Well, time to dig in," She said eagerly. Peter smiled as he watched her take the first bite of her chicken.

"So, how is it?" He asked, waiting expectantly.

Rogue chewed slowly, savoring the flavor before swallowing. She turned to look at him with wide eyes. "This is amazing!" She exclaimed, taking another bite.

Peter grinned proudly. "I'm glad you like it. Glad I could impress you with my cooking skills," He said, teasing her. Rogue laughed and shook her head, continuing to eat.

"Maybe I should have gone with something complex," She joked.

"Anytime you want to try again, let me know," Peter replied.

They continued eating their food, enjoying each other's company. When they finished eating, Rogue helped Peter clean everything up. After that, they decided to watch a comedy movie.

"Dumb and Dumber?" Peter suggested as he browsed through Netflix.

Rogue nodded eagerly. "Definitely!"

He selected the movie, settling down next to her on the couch. They watched it together, laughing at the silly jokes and scenes.

---[Don't forget those Powerstones]---

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⭐Read 17 advance Chapters⭐ [No double billing.]


AN: Who was it that requested a vampire in Marvel ff? If you are still reading, then good news, I'm writing one> Noblesse x Hellsing in Marvel. [Rai is the MC. Alucard is also there.] [4chs so far] 

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