Reincarnated as a Phoenix

Chapter 236 – Aftermath

Chapter 236 – Aftermath

<Ikarus, how is he… oh>

Floating in the vast lifeless ocean, father and Asmodeus lie still. Still shellshocked, I can’t help but look away and just want the world to stop.

Instead of wanting to see the world burn, mother just deathly stares at him like she doesn’t know how to process this. Then, says something that causes my mood to shift in a moment.

<Dermakvar always wanted to go out in a blaze of glory. I’m not sure if the idea of saving people was his plan… he’d have preferred this over slowly rotting away though>

“Seriously mother? Father just sacrificed himself and you say that!?”

I’m right… right? How the hell can you look for the positives when he’s right there, floating as a corpse next to us. I can’t understand her grieving process, she must’ve known him for over eight hundred years at least.

<What makes you think we won’t see his sorry hide again, Ikarus? It may take a lifetime, but once all this business is over, you best know I’ll find him. He’ll try to hide and fight it, but I’ll drag him up here by the neck if I have to>

(Nyx) “Sorry Kellearzar, it doesn’t work that way. Even with your relationship with the Underworld masters, that’s not allowed. Once a soul departs, it can’t come back into this world”

<Oh right… I’ll still find him though. Would Minos enjoy the occasional visit to the Underworld? He may enjoy all the fire and brimstone>

Well… I guess that makes things a little better, more than enough to stop me refilling the ocean at least. Can’t believe I cried for him when that dinosaur is just going to have the time of his life down there! All the fiery pits of Tartarus to lounge around in, he’d can sleep and be as lazy as he wants!

“You okay, Petra? With Asmodeus, I mean?”

“I’m fine, Ikarus. If it’s okay… I’d rather not talk about it. Conflicting emotions, you know?”

No need to say anything else. At the end of the day, Asmodeus was still her father after all. We’ve both lost our… just forget it Ikarus, force that positivity! Just need to keep distracted.

“Erm… Nyx. Just what was that? How comes you’re a dragon?

(Nyx) “Sorry Ikarus. I’m not sure what you’re talking about”

<Her mind twists when she enters that form Ikarus, and forgets a great deal. Me and your father always found it peculiar how she could inherit scales. Then, you grew scales so it must be some people can do>

‘Oh right, so it’s probably just an ability then’

Slowly but surely, more and more people, ships and Gods surround this depressing part of the ocean. One of which stands out, mostly because of his overwhelming appearance. I guess those who haven’t met Poseidon yet would automatically assume he’s Zeus. They do look like twins after all.

“Just what the hell was that, Poseidon? Even when we killed Hera, you did jack shit!”

During that bout, he barely tried attacking Hera. Sure, she had both him and Athena on the ropes beforehand, but he could’ve helped afterwards! He must use some type of water magic.

“The war between man and mortal, I said I couldn’t intervene and I haven’t. The only help I could provide was against Charybdis. If it hadn’t been brought down, the affect would’ve been huge”

‘But he barely did anything there as well. Athena at least has the excuse because she’s no longer wielding Goldy power… think this guy is just lazy’

Already knowing to let this go, I’m not going to take my sorrow out on him. That’s what partners are for, to be your metaphoric punching bag when you feel like sh-… eh. Can’t even enjoy a stupid joke anymore.

“*Bleurgh*… malaka”

“Thank fuck that’s over… there you are sister. Could’ve told me first this is where you’d be”

“Greetings Denver, blame Poseidon as he kept me uniformed until we were on the beast’s head. How’s the maid faring with the ocean seas?”

“M-Mistress Athena… permission to neglect duties and keep throwing up?”

“Did I give you permission to speak maid? Get a speck of it on the deck and you’ll be cleaning the entire fleet when we get back”

Why, on one of the plentiful dwarven ships we’ve saved happens to be the trio of Plutus, Hephaestus and Athena. Surprised the young jarl actually came here considering the risk, but I guess if we hadn’t killed that thing today, there may have not been a tomorrow.

As for Athena’s wickedness, let’s hope Petra doesn’t fully take the mantle of wisdom Goddess because punishments like this seem nasty. Actually feel sorry for the maid Plutus now.

“Say maid… that bracelet you’re wearing seems awfully familiar. You wouldn’t dare to try and steal the little amount of jewellery I have, would you?”

“N-No! Of course not, Mistress. I was just cleaning it when M-Master Denver needed my help s-so it couldn’t take it off, h-honest!”

“So… you were cleaning it while it was on your wrist? How stupid do you think I am?”

‘Okay, feeling less sorry for him now’


Moving on from the fact that greedy idiot can’t help himself, Denver still seems a little concerned. Please don’t tell me there’s more we need to fight…

“This may now be over, but something isn’t adding up if the demon is dead and Nyx is here. Are the primordial Gods finally showing their hand after this long?”

That’s… actually a brilliant question. Nyx offering a hand

“Sorry Hephaestus, I cannot speak for the others, as I only communicate with Chaos. I did this of my own volition…”

As soon as the floating Petra-esque woman stops speaking, she can’t help but look around like a mother searching for her lost child. She’s a little weird, isn’t she? Not saying that’s a bad thing. The wife would come across as weird to a lot of people. Me, I’m the master of weird.

“It’s strange. None of my children are here yet I can feel a presence somewhere. I may have not known about this if that connection wasn’t here… yet I still see none of my children around”

Not really sure what Nyx’s is on about. I guess it’s just great she’s willing to save the world on a feeling, even if all she did was finish it off. With all the people around, it wouldn’t surprise me if she had another kid around. She was famous for having quite a few.

“I’m sorry but I know must now depart, the night calls out to me. Please know, Zeus’s tyranny will come to an end soon enough. If I’m able to, I’ll lend some aid for when the day comes…”

Sinking back into the ocean and out of sight, I guess that’s just how primordial beings are. Strange as hell… I like her a hell of a lot more than the rest of them though.

“Didn’t even get a chance to say thanks… anyways. Can we leave this accursed place already?”

Feeling a comforting feathery wing against one of my own, this is the best Petra can do for me right now. She’s able to be strong for the both of us, all I want to do is go home. Just father floating on the endless ocean is making me want to cry… as if I’d ever do something like that!

<Sure Ikarus… I want to stay for a while longer though. Your father didn’t care about the flesh afterwards… there is something personal I’d like to do>

Just noticing the aura of mother growing depressive, I’m not going to question her on this. She needs to grieve as well and if that’s burying father, then so be it.

‘Huh… I guess that’s fitting’

As we fly off to the dwarven lands, I can’t help but look back and see mother alongside an ocean of fire. I obviously exaggerate but just let me have this. Going out in a glory of flames, it suits the edge lord way too much…





(Temporary perspective Change)

“BAH!!! You knew this would happen and you failed to warn me! Have you no idea just how much time and effort went into that beast, only for it all to sink to the bottom of the ocean?”

Holding the prisoner by the neck up against the wall, a clearly agitated Zeus has finally hit an anger where his actions can no longer be contained. Today, may be the day he finally does away with the fabled oracle.


Instead, she just hangs there with the subtlest of grins on her face. This little action sends Zeus into an even bigger fury and a fist pounds into the wall, barely clipping her ear.

“Why continue to torment me, woman? After everything I’ve done for you, practically gifting you life and the gift of vision, yet, you still continue to play these little games?”

“Because, God of all mortal men…”

Instead, the oracle does respond still harbouring that subtle grin.

“…You sealed your fate the second the news of the true prophecy hit your ears. Olympus was always destined to fall. Instead of adapting, you clung onto an idea that was doomed from the start”

Again, Zeus’s anger hits a peak but instead of going for her, he drops the woman, falls to his knees and smashes the floor.

“Bah… what to do now, what to do? What options are left? Can’t access the volcano since the runt knows it too well… the only perfect creation I brought down here was Charybdis. Is the Kraken still operational? No, Ragnarök did away with that long ago…”

Zeus’s head now appears to be bulging as the only one left by his side, is someone he captured from the Underworld no less. Even his most loyal of supporters, only one of them followed the God who used to rule all after news of Charybdis’ awakening. With Hera’s death… he’s now alone.

“Am I really going to have to destroy everything with my own two hands? A lifetime may not be enough… please woman, just give me something!”

“At this point, you simply just wait. No more schemes, or running and hiding. Your fate is fast approaching and there is nothing you can do. You’re downfall is here. How many you bring down with you, entirely depends on your actions”

“You really wish to see me die that much? That creature was the last chance Olympus had at redemption and now that’s gone. Am I truly insane for wanting a home exclusively for us Gods? It no longer matters who’s right… I’ve lost. This world cannot be tamed”

Getting up and leaving the fabled woman’s side, it’s only taken Zeus this long to understand his failings, as he leave’s for the cellar’s exit.

“Never wished for your downfall, only foresaw the path that was inevitable if you didn’t change your ways. You unfortunately didn’t change”

“Bah… that’s rich coming from someone like you. Most would say you’re just as bad as me”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“Everything you do is for the greater good, as if anyone buys that façade. Even if you deny it… I still see the old you hidden beneath that veil. If only things had been different, then maybe all of us could’ve had peace… Hestia…”


“*Sighhh*… home sweet home. Wished this place would cheer me up but guess things aren’t that easy”

(Petra) “…”

Back in viva la leaders house, both me and the wife are greeted by an eager perverted elf, disguised as a maid. I can’t even be bothered to get embarrassed, annoyed or flustered from something Eve says today.

As for what happened after the fight, we spoke a little with the other Gods, then teleported most of us back here. No reason to stay in the dwarven kingdom longer than needed and the fact we’re now clueless on what happens next, might as well sulk back at home.

Didn’t even give a chance for the cultists to spot us, hooded cloaks do the trick. I’ll be taking this off in a moment though… I just want to go to bed. It’s still daylight out but I don’t care.

“Welcome back queens! The days have been boring with you two gone… is everything okay? You seem a little gloomy”

(Ikarus) “Don’t worry about it, Eve. When you see Marcus next, tell him we’re not here to do anything paperwork related”

“You can tell me yourself, Queen Ikarus. Don’t worry, we didn’t expect you back so soon so the work isn’t going to pile up just yet”

Marcus appears round the corner in the kitchen, quickly making me question why the both of them are in our house. To be fair, the protagonist politician is wearing an apron like our busty elven maid. I guess he was just offering to help instead of sneaking round our house to sleep with the maid on duty. I’m honestly passed caring either way.

“We’re not technically back so please don’t be bothering me. Right now, I’m going to bed…”


“Ikarus… you don’t have to hide. It’s okay to feel depressed”

Hiding away under the pink covers, Petra tries her best at comforting me but I’ll honest and say… I think I want to be alone. At least if I start crying again, no one will be around to see it this time around.

“It’s not hiding Petra… just sulking and want to be alone for a while”

“I’ll leave if you want Ikarus. Just know these things are easier to handle with other people around”

As Petra gets off the bed and presumably going to leave, I can’t help but regret what I just said. I don’t want her to go… nor do I want to come out of the covers either.

“How the hell are you even supposed to handle grief anyways? It doesn’t matter that his soul is still out there somewhere. Just thinking about him is making sad and anxious”

“Everyone handles things in different ways, Ikarus. Some cry, others put on a brave face, some hide. Everyone is different”

“You ever lost anyone really important to you, Petra? Like, throughout the years I mean. I’m not sure if you want to count Asmodeus or not”

I know she’s always been mentally strong, where her strength comes from has always been something that confuses me. She’s basically lived a life a turmoil combined with saving the world once or twice. I expect her past to be as sad as the rest of her history.

“Heh, too many to count over the years Ikarus. Friends, other adventurers, comrades. This is why at first, I wasn’t opposed to Melinda becoming a vampire. Things do get easier over time… the pain never truly goes though”

‘And yet, she’s still able to muster up a smile’

Now getting back out of the stupid pink sheets, she always is able to help even if I don’t understand the reason why. Eh, she just knows me too well. I think just her speaking makes things easier, I guess.





Normally, I wouldn’t put my hair down and even wear pyjamas. Couldn’t care in the slightest how I look right now though… or the fact pink blends into everything.

“Lost, but never forgotten. Like your mother said, he’s still in the Underworld somewhere. We’ll make time to find him once we get through this”

“Yeah, guess that works… sorry but you’ve distracted me now. When the hell did you get that? It’s cute as fuck”

Sure, it’s not exactly figure hugging if you catch my meaning, comfy pyjamas aren’t supposed to do that anyways. This might be the cutest I’ve ever seen Petra, it’s definitely a good distraction.

“Heh, how often do you look in the wardrobe, Ikarus? Bought this for you months ago”

To be fair, I normally grab the first thing on display for sleeping, or just wear the hoodies or my main outfit which gets put in storage. Why I’d spend time looking through the closest is beyond me… no. I’m not making a gay joke here, the both of us are already gay enough.

Since she’s already got me suitably distracted from all of that depressive shitt, maybe I should try seeing if she’s actually okay. She may put on a brave face but she must be hurting a little.

“Are you definitely okay though, Petra?”

“Honestly Ikarus… I am. Just because he held blood ties with me, doesn’t mean I ever cared for him. It was just one of those things unfortunately”

The thing is, I can tell she’s lying a tad but I won’t pry further. She’s known for the longest of times I can automatically tell. It’s just that this is the way my wife handles things. Stay strong and avoid any hard conversation… is that healthy? Eh, it works for her, I guess.

“Fair enough. Just so you know Petra, I’m not leaving this room for the next few days. Right now, the last thing I want to is deal with people”

Unless Zeus’s comes knocking, I’m going to grieve in my own special way… by continue to sulk under the bedsheets. What? Thought I was hinting at us humping? Sorry, not happening till the fucker responsible for father’s sacrifice is dead. This temple is now off limits!

“Heh, just say the words Ikarus, and I’ll sleep on the couch if you want some alone time”

“What the… don’t be stupid Petra! I meant other people. You’re welcome to sulk with me as long as you’d like”

“Heh, not really sure how to sulk Ikarus. The best I can do is snuggle you mercilessly”

‘Eh, spend the next few days sulking and snuggling. Doesn’t sound like the worst way to get over father’s death…’

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