On Astral Tides: From Humble Freelancer To Astral Emperor

Five Hundred And Seventeen

Five Hundred And Seventeen

“This is definitely troubling.” The Prime Minister, Abe-san, rubbed at his temples, a grave expression on his face. “Sometimes I deeply regret timing my political career to coincide with this mess.”

“On the bright side, you’ll always be remembered in history.” I joked, though I understood how he felt sometimes. We were gathered in the Prime Minister’s residence near the Diet building in Chiyoda ward, in an underground, sealed room that was meant for use in wartime. It was sort of like a bunker, and had no internet or other telecommunications except a single, wired hardline to the outside, to prevent any possibility of being hacked or tapped. Which is very important considering what I’ve brought.

“I’d settle for a peaceful, easy time in office.” He laughed dryly. “Wouldn’t you both agree?” He addressed the other two people here with us.

 I would settle for having my Undersecretary actually available to me on occasion.” The austere and prim Minister for Spiritual Matters, Morita Yuna-san complained. With her black rimmed glasses and hair pulled into a tidy bun, she reminded me of a schoolteacher. Since she had five or so years on me in age, or maybe a few more, but I always felt it was best to underestimate a woman’s age, rather than be wrong in the other direction, I addressed her very politely.

“Sorry about that, but Haru’s abilities are indispensable, and it certainly comes under the remit of your Ministry, international Chosen-related work, and the safety and wellbeing of our Chosen citizens. Nobody can do what Haru can, at least not that we’ve found, so for now she’s got to do her part.”

“If you wanted a quiet life, Morita-san, you never should have taken such a key post.” The final person here, my grandfather-in-law, Tsumura Katsuro-san, pointed out, his tone gruff, though his smile was kind. “But the rewards are commensurate with the struggles. Everyone knows your name now, you are almost as famous as the Prime Minister. As for Suzuki-san… her work is indeed vital. If we can restore some of these Chosen to a measure of health, their talents can be put to use, and Britain is further in our debt. South Korea too, but…”

Yeah, that’s one of our problems, their response to our efforts. Not the biggest one though…

“Yes, that’s for the longer term. Now…” The Prime Minister looked at the tablet sitting on the table between us like it was an unexploded bomb. “…we have this to deal with.” He rubbed his temples again. “Christina Bakker is certainly a danger to herself and us. It would be far easier if you could take her in hand, Akio-san. She’s too dangerous to be running loose.”

“I’ll pass thanks.” I snorted. “While she does have an unhealthy infatuation with me, she’s not my type, and she wouldn’t gel with the others.” I nodded at Katsuro-san. “I wouldn’t subject Motoko to getting along with her. Besides, I’m sure she’ll find someone new to fixate on in due course. I do agree though, she’s… a wildcard.”

“This data… if the Americans are aware we have it, this will be a seed of discontentment between us.” Abe-san warned. “It’s not merely proof of their crimes, including which members of their Senate have approved such extra-legal killings, but… this data on so many foreign Chosen offers unprecedented tactical scope. Why, there’s even two Japanese Chosen on the list we didn’t know about, who haven’t come forward. While we can’t legally force them, those that don’t certainly bear watching.”

“Her research data as well.” Katsuro-san agreed. “It leaves a sour taste in my mouth, but just as after the War, many Japanese and German scientists were absorbed by the West, and their work, though furthered by unethical means, was iterated upon… we cannot afford to ignore this, despite the cruel, immoral way it was sourced.”

“I agree.” I conceded, feeling bad about it, but knowing grandfather-in-law was right. “Having had a quick skim through, she’s realised a great deal just from experimentation and interviewing American Chosen, and while most of it is behind what we know, she has exceeded me in a few insights.”

“I’m more concerned with our immediate problem. Fortunately she revealed the presence of this agent, Mariam Samuelian. She entered as an ordinary tourist, and as you reported, did nothing to arouse suspicion. That proves we could well be infiltrated by any number of others.” Morita-san sighed. “Though numbers of Chosen worldwide are limited, and there aren’t many who have been trained, like your daughter, Tsumura-san.”

As he nodded, I offered my opinion. “Yeah. Though the Church of True Revelations has a similar scheme, I remember from London there were others than Mary Stuart who could infiltrate the Boundary. China has their Cultivators too. Though…” I pondered what we could expect them to achieve. “Assuming they were just a Cultivator, at Daiyu’s previous level, which isn’t likely, as she was a true prodigy…” I couldn’t help but brag about her, which earned me some gently mocking smiles. “…they could certainly kill a number of ordinary people, but against armed police or the army they’d be quickly killed. And we’re not America, where you can buy guns easily…”

Katsuro-san agreed. “Yes, while arming oneself with knives, axes or other weapons is hardly difficult, compared to the damage that automatic weapons or explosives can cause… yet if the correct target is attacked…”

“You mean schools, politicians, high-interest media figures such as poor Shinohara-san… oh wait, she’s all fixed thanks to you now, isn’t she? Never mind… but yes, there are still circumstances where a fairly minor attack can cause panic and loss of faith in both the government, and Chosen as a whole.” Abe-san mused.

“Yeah.” I agreed. My Foresight was still niggling me, and meetings like this, while dull, were also important to prepare our contingencies ready for potential avenues of danger. Fortunately, I was also in the Boundary having rather more fun at the same time, though I was starting to sweat a little, as the effort of mitigating Shiro’s Berserk Blessing for Asha’s Tree was increasing as each minute passed. I just have to tell myself it’s good training, and that we are coining in the ether because of it. I mean, it’s true… doesn’t make it hurt less though.

“…although, there are some worrying possibilities. An ability like Ginneka has, or even Nie Ling’s, or some sort of mass buff skill… they could turn a lot of ordinary people into dangerous weapons.” I finished, and Morita-san nodded stiffly.

“We have considered it. The Ministry has been building a register of known abilities, looking for patterns. I had hoped to have Suzuki-san to help with that…” She frowned meaningfully, making me feel a little guilty. “…but alas, she is always tasked with other matters. But this…” She eyed the data tablet. “…will save us a great deal of effort.”

“We can’t just let you add it to your database though.” Abe-san shook his head. “In case of data leaks. In fact, once outside of here, we can’t even speak of it. The only time it can be discussed is in here, or similar isolated rooms, or in the Boundary.” Abe-san marvelled at that strange world. He had received Chirurgery from me and had a brief orientation, though he wouldn’t be entering himself except in very special circumstances, obviously. The main reason was to get him the stat boosts a network provided, as he was constantly working long hours under intense pressure.

“…you can use a little of the data if it is massaged to disguise it, and we can make plans to counter other threats, but… for now, it’s under wraps.” Abe-san finished. “This Mariam woman, she’ll be very discretely watched as well. Also… we’ll have to look into recent immigrants, see if we can spot any suspicious features, but the numbers are simply too large to have any degree of control. We can use AI to sift datasets for patterns, and employ some clerical staff from various Ministries to double-check it… but don’t hold out hope we’ll find anything.”

“The JSDF is on full readiness.” Katsuro-san promised. “We can respond quickly. But against Chosen… it depends on their strength. If it is on the lines of those from China last time, some of them we can likely kill conventionally. But if it is someone of my grandson-in-law’s calibre… all we can do is buy time…”

“We do have some assets. For example Bunta Futamura-san, in our Ministry Investigative Division. But deploying them would be complicated.” Morita-san pointed out, and I realised that was the first time I had heard Bunta-san’s family name. Shiro and Suzu-san both just call him Bunta…

“Well, we have some potential avenues to explore. Shall we wrap things up for now?” Abe-san asked, and I nodded. I had memorised all of the information on the tablet using my significant Intellect, so leaving it secure here seemed the better plan. Turning to Katsuro-san, I asked him a question.

“We’re having a family dinner, everyone together this evening, since I’ll be away for a week or so.” I’ll be back before Shaeula’s birthday, and then it’s the Pilgrimage, so there won’t be a lot of time for the others, so this evening we’re going to all come together… “Natsumi’s and Hinata’s parents are coming, and I hope Motoko’s will too, but it’d be nice to have you there as well, grandfather-in-law.”

Katsuro-san thought about it, before agreeing. “Will my grandson be there?” he asked, and I shrugged.

“I hope so, but while I’ve not met him much, he doesn’t seem to be overly fond of me.”

“He is a proud young man.” Katsuro-san shook his head. “Tsumura house is second only to the three great houses, so he likely believes Motoko is wasted on you. He also has no interest in Tsumura Arts, finding them outdated and worthless compared to modern military tactics and equipment. As heir to the house, he has his own opinions.”

“Not very wise ones.” Abe-san said, before apologising. “Sorry Katsuro-san, I spoke out of turn again. But you have to admit, Akio-san here is hardly a poor match. Though I wouldn’t want him around my daughter. Oh, again, no offense.”

As Morita-san snorted at his blunder, Katsuro-san waved it off. “It is fine. The way of the nobility is not the way of others. And perhaps it is not the right way. But… for Motoko’s sake, I want her to be happy. And she is. Though of course, I worry. She is not a Chosen, yet she still wishes to fight.”

“She’s giving her all, Natsumi too.” I reassured him. “And everyone is working together to make sure everyone can fulfil their potential. Anyway…” We talked idly about various unimportant things as we left the room.

Moments later, we heard footsteps, and a young woman came barrelling around the corner, running in extremely unladylike fashion. On seeing her, Abe-san’s face lit up, before he realised he was in company, and he put on a stern expression, though it was too late to cover his blunder. I guess that must be his daughter? He obviously dotes on her.

“Hotaru, don’t run around the halls. Especially today of all days. Besides, weren’t you with your mother? Don’t you have homework or something else to do?”

“Homework’s such a shitty bore. Fuck that.” The pretty young woman cursed, her incredibly foul mouth at odds with her appearance. Though her hair was short for a girl, and a little boyishly cut, she was tall and had long legs, and a decent figure. She was wearing faded jeans and a t-shirt with the name of some band I didn’t recognise emblazoned on it.

“Hotaru! How many times have I told you not to speak like a drunken yakuza?” Abe-san seemed exasperated, and Morita-san let out a dry snort. Katsuro-san and I exchanged a glance, and I could see he was amused, and likely comparing her to his own elegant, impeccably mannered granddaughter.

“Shit, I’ll talk how I want, dad. I’m my own woman. Besides, it’s not how we say it, but what we say, right?” Her eyes brightened as she saw me, a grin crossing her face. “So, we meet again.”

Again? I don’t think we ever… oh, that one time... Seeing my changing expression, she realised I remembered. “Yeah, at the party that old bas…” Seeing her father’s imploring look she changed what she was about to say. “…old man’s party. What do you think, Akio-kun?” She immediately jumped to first name basis, no hint of shame. “Didn’t I look hot as fuck?”

Remembering the rather daring pink dress with a very short skirt and bare shoulders, I nodded. “Yes, you looked very pretty.”

“Of course I did. I’m cute. Oh dad, stop eyeballing me. Akio-kun doesn’t mind my language, right?”

“I’ll excuse myself…” Morita-san was holding in laughter, and quickly scuttled off, claiming she was busy. Katsuro-san also left, saying he would try and clear his schedule for later, and as I also tried to excuse myself, Hotaru-san wouldn’t let me.

“No running off, Akio-kun! I’ll be fucked if I let this chance to talk to you get away. Shit, I’ve been so curious about you for ages. Dad won’t tell me much of anything, you know!”

“Hotaru, please…” Abe-san complained. “This is my official residence, not your playground. You’ll get me into trouble.,”

“I won’t tell if Akio-kun doesn’t.” She winked, grabbing my arm playfully. At that Abe-san frowned, and I tried to reassure him with my eyes everything was fine. All this after what he said earlier… “Go on dad, shoo. Make yourself fucking scarce. I want to talk to him.”

“No way, you shouldn’t be alone with a man at your age…” Abe-san protested, unmoved.

“Oh get over yourself, dad. Shit, that’s so old-fashioned. What, you think Akio-kun is going to push me down when he gets me alone? Fuck, could you stop him if he tried it now? I don’t think he’s that sort of man, is he?”

“I’m not.” I insisted. “It may not look it, but I’m rather picky about who I date.”

“Saying I don’t qualify, huh? Shit, way to cut a girl down to size and fuck with her pride.” Hotaru-san giggled. “Dad, I promise to only be a few minutes. Half an hour maybe. Shit, I know he’s busy. Probably more so than you. But I really have to ask him some questions. Bring us some fucking tea, okay?” She tightened her grip on my arm, smiling cheekily.

Giving up, Abe-san apologised. “My daughter is… a good girl. I just whish she spoke like other girls her age. I really don’t know how this started. At school…”

“Hey now dad, don’t be a fucking snitch and tell him about all the demerits I get. Most of the teachers quit bothering me now anyway…” Hotaru-san snorted. “Anyway, go on, shoo!”

She led me to a side room, and as she shut the door, she smirked at me. “Now’s your chance, Akio-kun. Push me against the wall, and one little thrust and dad would insist we got married. Fuck, he’s old-fashioned like that.”

I eyed her, surprised, and she laughed loudly. “I’m just fucking with you, don’t sweat it. Though to be fair, you’re hotter in person than on TV. Maybe I won’t scream too loud…”

“So what did you want to talk to me about?” I asked, tactfully avoiding that line of talk, and she rolled her eyes, seeing through me.

“Like, you know the Takakura girls and Shiori-chan, don’t you?”

“Not well.” We sat down and she finally released my arm, winking. “Though we’ve met a couple of times. I’m well acquainted with their grandfathers.”

“I see. Yeah, makes sense. Anyway, what about that Mizuki-chan, right? The size of the honkers on her, fucking amazing! I’m so jealous. You’d never know she was still in middle school. Holy shit, they’re ginormous.”

Well yes, but… “Everyone has their own body shape, it’s not good to point these things out.” I tried to be respectful.

“Oh, yeah, sure. You can’t tell me you haven’t been ogling those huge fucking jugs. Or maybe is Katsuki-chan more your thing? She’s got that whole elegant young lady down perfectly. Shit, I’m happy enough being me, but… sometimes I think it’d be cool to be so graceful. Then, Shiori-chan’s cute herself. She’s quite in awe of you too. Stupid shrine shit, but…” As Hotaru-san rambled on, she still hadn’t got to her question. My phone then rang, as I had switched it back on when I left the secure room, and Hotaru-san shrugged, indicating for me to take the call.

Haru, huh? “Hi, what’s up?” I answered, and after a pause, Haru’s voice came back over the line, and she was sounding unusually irritated. Oh Gods, I hope Christina didn’t upset her again.

“I’m not having a good day, Akio-kun.” Haru complained. “Not that I blame you, but… no, maybe I do?” A long sigh could be heard. “She came back, you know.  Miss Bakker? She apologised if she had upset me, and I asked her if she understood why, and she said she didn’t, but that she was still sincere, and… get this… she… she…” Haru struggled to get the words out, and I had a horrifying premonition.

“She pointed out I could share my memories and experiences, and she asked if I could share mine with her as an apology, so she’d understand my feelings!” The shock and annoyance in her voice was palpable.

“You didn’t… did you?” I frowned, troubled, and her reply momentarily relieved me, before her next words shattered my hopes.

“I was sorely tempted.” she admitted. “But despite how hateful the woman is, I wouldn’t wish that on anyone. But she wouldn’t stop bothering me. She then insisted on sharing the pains of the repatriated citizens, saying that it would show you she meant what she said. That… in the end I gave in.”

“And what happened?” I asked, dreading the answer.

“She collapsed eventually and is still unconscious. She’s not physically hurt though. Before she passed out, she was trying to tell me she was fine. It would have been more convincing if she wasn’t sweating, shaking and crying. But… it’s vexing. While it doesn’t in any way make up for what she did, and she’s doing it just to get you to like her… it’s in a small way, making a little amends. I still loathe her though.” Haru finished, and I let out a bitter sigh, while Hotaru-san smiled at me reassuringly.

“Just… yeah. I get it, I can’t abide her either. But she’s right about one thing. Even if her actions are motivated by self-interest, at least she’s trying, in her own idiotic way. I assume you’ve made sure she’s got medical care?”

“Of course. I’m dead, not a monster. Or are Onryō monsters after all?”

Hearing Haru make such a joke I knew she was rattled, so I consoled her, and after she vented for a few minutes, eventually she hung up, having done her duty for the day. I did invite her to the dinner this evening, but she wanted to spend time with her father, so I agreed we’d meet up another time.

“Sounds rough.” Hotaru-san commiserated when I hung up. “Shit, don’t I know how hard things can be? Dad’s almost going bald from the stress. Mom’s pissed off at that. Speaking of…”

Are you getting to the point then?

“…I’m like… well, first.” She seemed nervous, for some reason. “Okay… deep breaths girl, deep breaths.” She worked herself up, before asking me her favour. “Firstly, I know that mom and I are on the list for Chirurgery, like dad, but I get you and Shaeula-chan are fucking busy. Dad always says so.” Seeing me raising an eyebrow, she flushed a little. “Hey, Shaeula-chan’s like… my idol. One of them anyway. She was so fucking cool in London! You would bar-bar my way? Shit, so awesome! But yeah, while you’re here, can you do us? I know it hurts, but I’m fucking tough, get me?”

“I suppose I can, so long as your father agrees.” That’s a small favour, and she’s right, family of high-ranking politicians and Ministry employees need to be protected.

“Awesome! Knew I could count on you, no shit.” She laughed loudly, sounding rather dirty and boyish. “But… well, I know that old man you were with was a bigshot from the nobility. You’re dating his granddaughter, getting married, aren’t you?”

I nodded, and she continued. “So… well, next year’s my last at school. Shit, I don’t think I’m cut out for university, but… fuck me, you don’t care about that. Sorry to waste your time. But yeah… like… Shiori-chan and big jugs, tiny cutie and elegant-chan…” Her nicknames for I presumed the Takakura sisters were unique, certainly. “…they’re totally cool, and I like them a lot. Hey, want me to put in a good word for you? Who do you like best…?”

I headed off that argument. “I think I’m rather full in terms of girlfriends, and Kiaria-san and Mizuki-san are way too young.”

“Shit, I get you.” Hotaru-san nodded. “Guess I should be thankful you’re not a fucking pervert. But they’ll grow up to be beauties, just like me!” She thumped her chest proudly, no shame at all. “Anyway… they’re so fucking lucky, getting to go to Hanafubuki. Graduate from that school and you’re set for life. Not only do you get to know all the girls from the rich families, but you get to meet a better class of guy, get it? Shit, I hate the fact they don’t let daughters of politicians or entertainers enrol. They say that politicians come and go, depending on the voters. I get it, but shit… my dad’s not going to get voted out. Sure, he’s stressed as fuck, but… nobody can handle the situation like he can. After all, you support him, right Akio-kun?”

“I’d work with whoever gets into power…” I admitted, and she chose to ignore that.

“You don’t want to hear me running my shitty mouth, do you?” she shrugged. “I’ll get to the point. I’d be in your debt for fucking ever if you could put in a good word, get me admitted to Hanafubuki for the last year. Pull some strings, like? I may not be able to do much, but… you’d be surprised.”

That’s it, huh? Well, knowing Hinata, Motoko, Natsumi, Miyu, Honoka-san and many other girls from there… yeah, I don’t think she’s a good fit… I was about to tactfully turn her down when the door opened, and Abe-san entered with a tray of tea, shaking his head.

“Hotaru, we’re going to have to have words later.” He bowed to me then after setting the tray down. “Sorry Akio-san. Hotaru’s… very selfish. But she’s my daughter and I love her, so please forgive her for me.” He bowed again, and I felt bad for him.

“It’s not a big deal.” I shrugged. “All she was doling was asking for a favour.”

“But she doesn’t know you. That’s rude in itself. Look, Hotaru, this is why the nobles behind Hanafubuki exclude us. You’re the archetype of what they think ordinary girls are. Vulgar and unrefined.”

“Shit dad, I may be vulgar, but I’m not unrefined. I’ve good grades and I’m athletic…” she protested, and he asked me my thoughts.

“Honestly, from knowing a lot of Hanafubuki girls, I don’t think it’d work. But…” I frowned. “Look, I can give you Chirurgery, and why don’t you attend the training school a few times, mingle with some of them? I know it’s always more of a lesson to see it for yourself.”

“I’d appreciate that. Although…” Before his daughter could speak, Abe-san asked me a favour himself. “…while it’s likely a conflict of interest, and politically damaging… if Hotaru could attend your training school more regularly, and learn a few things, I’d feel more at ease. Especially after our talk today.”

Oh yeah, about possible targets for attack. Politicians and their families would be prime propaganda if they were killed.

“It’s also the best chance I can give you to mingle with the children of nobility, a number attend the school regularly. You just have to accept that’s the way it is…”

“I don’t mind. Though it can be hard work. We take training seriously…” I warned, and Hotaru-san seemed excited.

“Fuck me, thanks dad, thanks Akio-kun!” She grabbed a mug of tea and downed it, clearly elated. She then winked at me. “I’m still not counting myself out of my dream of attending Hanafubuki, no fucking way. But I’ll take your advice and see the real flowers of Japan in action. Also… you want me to help you charm any of them, just say the word!” She gave me a lewd grin and a thumbs-up, followed by Abe-san chastising her, embarrassed and scandalised…

“What’s so funny, Aki?” Shiro said, as we were sitting under Asha’s Tree in the Boundary. “You’re smiling. Has the pain gone and driven you crazy? Shit, just let me know and I’ll dismiss the buff if you can’t hack it anymore.”

“It’s not that.” I promised, looking up at Asha’s Tree. The glow around it, rainbow energies and silver ether glittering around the upper branches, was the most intense it had ever been, showing the fruit of our efforts. “You know, you have a rather foul mouth sometimes, Shiro?”

“Shit, that’s rude.” Shiro snorted. “Nothing this princess does is ever foul. When a beautiful girl swears, it’s just endearing. What’s brought this on, Aki?”

“I just met a girl who would make a sailor blush with her swearing. And she’ll be coming to the training school soon. It’s just unusual for girls to swear a lot, isn’t it?”

“That’s sexist.” Shiro snorted. “Your sister swears sometimes, doesn’t see?”

“Yeah, but only when she’s really mad.” I defended her.

“Yeah, sure, I shouldn’t have expected you to say a word against your beloved sister.” Shiro snickered. “So, is she pretty?”

“She’s not bad, but the training school is already full of pretty girls. She’s the Prime Minister’s daughter…”

“Ah, a big catch then.” Shiro teased me, and as I explained it wasn’t anything like that, I once more inspected our ether stocks, very pleased by the progress. We were now holding just under forty million ether. So far Shiro’s extra buff was helping us pull in a million extra ether per Material day, although as I was suffering greatly today and it wasn’t yet done, we would likely clear an additional half a million or so extra today, assuming I could continue to protect Asha’s Tree from the side effects.

“She’s definitely a unique girl, from just my brief meeting. She’s got an interest in noble girls, so…”

“Say no more.” Shiro grinned. “I’ll put Miyu in charge of her.” Shiro stretched, yawning. “Anyway, you’re staying here to resonate with the Tree, right? In that case I’ll be off. I want to make it back before the meal, and I need to shower and change first. It’ll be good to have everyone all together. Although…” Shiro seemed a little sad, and I wondered if she was missing her own parents, but when I voiced that thought, she rolled her eyes.

“Don’t be an idiot, Aki. They’re hardly parents at all. I’m more than happy to take yours. Your father’s always rather nice to me, and your mother’s hilarious. No, I was just thinking you’ll be away for a week. It’s not like you’ll be able to keep your Astral body here long…”

“Will you miss me?” I teased, and she retorted quickly.

“Who’ll miss you? Why would I? I’ll actually be able to take a break on supervising all these buffs, it’ll just be once a day… no, I’m not tsundere, I promised myself I wouldn’t be. Yeah, of course I’ll miss you, Aki. But nobody minds. If you have to do it, do it. And Hinata could use her turn. Don’t worry, we’ll hold the fort…”

After a little more jovial jesting, Shiro vanished, leaving me alone under the Tree, while on the Material, I finalised the details with the Prime Minister and left his residence. I called Haru again, and she assured me grumpily that Christina Bakker was fine, just sleeping, and with that I hopped in my waiting car and was driven back to our estate, ready for what would be a raucous and interesting meal, no doubt…

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