On Astral Tides: From Humble Freelancer To Astral Emperor

Five Hundred And Fifteen

Five Hundred And Fifteen

“Hey man. You look like a sack of shit.” David cheerfully greeted me, clasping my hand. “Like a bulldog licking piss off a nettle. I’ve seen happier smiles on death row inmates.”

“David!” Eleanor gasped, scandalised. “Watch your language! And you’ve never seen a death row prisoner anyway, have you? Britain abolished the death penalty years ago.”

“I’ve seen films.” David shrugged. “Seriously though…” he addressed me then. “I’m not kidding, you look damn sour. Got some troubles?”

I glanced at Shiro and Asha, who as usual were accompanying me at Asha’s Tree, beside the Ring Gate that the British party had entered through. On seeing my woeful expression, Shiro smirked, laughing meanly.

“It’s all right Aki, you can tell me, I won’t be mad. Shit, we’ll find out anyway soon enough. You are a horrible liar. Best tell me about it, before someone who gets more heated hears.”

“We can step out?” Sir Arthur said politely, showing his good, aristocratic manners. “If it is a private matter.”

“It’s… fine.” I sighed, knowing it was quite the mess. “I’m basically having women troubles. Don’t laugh…” David immediately broke into a wide grin and sniggered. “It isn’t what you think. I have a madwoman who insists she’s in love with me, and…” I explained the mess with Christina Bakker, careful to pay attention to Shiro and Asha. Both of their faces were expressionless, but Eleanor’s was grim.

“I have to say, I have a higher opinion of you than when we first became acquainted, and… I am certainly not going to jump to conclusions, having been burned a number of times. I do learn, if slowly.” Her tone was crisp, her blue eyes disapproving. “But you can be rather a fool, Akio.”

Shiro, who could take it no longer, doubled over, guffawing loudly, clutching at her belly. After her laughs subsided, she wiped at her black eyes, before snorting, the sound like tearing paper. “That’s hilarious. You’re such an… an Aki sometimes. I’d say you’re being a Yasu, but that doesn’t quite fit. My poor Aki, assaulted by a crazy woman. It’s just like that scene from the Bizarre Adventure, isn’t it? Did you wash your mouth out with muddy water?”

“I did rinse myself.” I admitted. “I was caught off-guard, okay? However much I dislike her, her information, assuming it’s true, is incredibly valuable. And… it wouldn’t sit right on my conscience to have her die. I believe she should make amends.”

“No kidding. You may be a damn playboy, but man to man…” David echoed what Director Adam White had said, probably a usual reaction to the thought of dating Christina. “…she’s got the looks, but… I’d rather date a snake. Less poisonous. And you don’t strike me as a fool. Besides…” He nodded at Shiro. “It’ll just piss off your girls.”

“David!” Eleanor snapped again. “There are young ladies present!”

Indeed, in addition to the excited Miss Aditi, and the solemn and motherly Mrs Mary-Jane, there was a new face with the British group. She looked around my sister’s or Eri’s age, with medium-length brown hair and a cute, freckled face. She was rather short, and wearing a long, robe-like dress. Seeing us all looking, she looked down and blushed, before greeting us, her eyes sparkling. “It’s an honour to meet you, Sir Hero!” At her address, I bit down on a grimace. I don’t feel like a hero right now… but then, making difficult choices for the greater good always leaves me feeling dirty.

“I’m Callie Rogers…” She introduced herself, smiling happily, before her expression changed, becoming downcast, and Miss Aditi patted her shoulder gently. “I… I was on the Manchester team, but… I got injured. Now I know it was all a ploy because I’d never betray Princess Eleanor, but…”

“It hurts, shortstuff.” David commiserated her. “Don’t we all know it? We had our own betrayers too, more’s the pity. But… that just makes your loyalty all the more worth having. I’d rather have a trustworthy hard worker, than a treacherous powerhouse, when it comes to watching my back!”

“Don’t call her shortstuff.” Eleanor sighed, exasperated anew. “I’ve told you to stop with the nicknames, David.”

“Sure thing, Princess.” He smirked, not backing down. Miss Callie ignored them and continued talking to me. “I’m filling in for Mrs Smith. Not that I ever could replace you…” She waved her hands frantically, and Mrs Mary-Jane merely smiled reassuringly. “…I’m not as good as she was, but… I’ll do my best, I promise. And I was told that I simply had to come here, especially today.” She looked at me earnestly. “Can… can Miss Mistry really recover her powers? Truly? And if so… could Mrs Smith have her chance?” The hope and innocence in her eyes almost blinded me, which just made me feel worse about what was currently going on with Christina.

“I hope so.” I said, unwilling to promise. I glanced at Miss Aditi and gave my first genuine smile for a while. “For Mrs Mary-Jane, we can’t be certain, but… well done, Miss Aditi, you’ve certainly done enough.”

She curtsied elegantly, though the effect was somewhat spoiled by the armour she wore over her clothes. Our forges had supplied the British a number of Brigandine, and looking at Miss Callie, I guessed we’d need to forge one more. “I am most humbled and grateful for this opportunity. You did not have to give it, when all these Favours are so precious, and those you cherish wished for them.”

“True.” Shiro nodded. “But… There are always other options. But speaking of women… I know you’re eager to get started, Aditi, and I can’t blame you, but… Aki, Eri’s going to take an axe to the woman when she finds out. I find it funny, Shaeula likely will as well, but… well, unlike our resident insane scientist, I do understand human emotions. There’s no way this doesn’t end badly.”

“You find it amusing? What if a man had forcibly kissed you?” Eleanor pointed out, and Shiro and Asha exchanged glances.

“Point taken.” Shiro conceded. “But we’re already rife with double standards here. Aki’s got eleven of us, hasn’t he? And there’s no way it stays that way. But I do agree. I don’t want a bitch like that getting her claws into Aki. Fortunately, when it comes to looks, I have her beat. You’re no loser either, Asha.”

Asha agreed. “Yes, I am growing riper and more beautiful as I mature.”

“Eri too, she can do that shifting cat crap, and be anyone you want her to be. Lucky.” Shiro sounded jealous for a moment. “But… it’s all her idea, and you just got stuck going along with it, right?”

I nodded. “Of course. She’s definitely not my type, and I’m not going to say something foolish like I’ll be the one to teach her what love is. But she’s right that if she leaks too much, the Americans will likely have her killed. And I don’t think she’s wrong that pretending to be my woman would give her protection from that, a measure, anyway.”

“Yeah, but… we know her. I’ve only met her briefly, but I’ve figured her out. Sure, she snatched some kisses now, but… you think you can carry out the charade during your trip to America?” David paused. “Speaking of the trip, your flight is booked for tomorrow morning. Old man Arthur, Raidre and me, we’ll accompany you before your flight, you need some time away from women, in the company of real men. So, where was I… oh yeah? Fuck me, you’d have to be a moron not to see just how it’ll go. She’ll constantly push the boundaries, and you won’t be able to do shit, and in the end, to prove you’re not bullshitting the yanks, you’ll end up in bed with her.”

“Sounds right to me.” Shiro nodded. “it’s classic. So… not happening. We owe Eri that much. Besides, there’s an easier solution. You’d have thought of it if you didn’t still suck with women, Aki. It’s almost endearing, how you’ve not changed at your core. I’d hate it if you did, but… come on. She doesn’t have to be your girlfriend to come under your protection. Just make it clear you’re sheltering her, and you’ll be pissed off to no end if she disappears.”

“True.” I nodded. “It’s like how if anyone made a move on you lot, I’d respond appropriately.” I said to the British contingent.

David guffawed at that, and Eleanor frowned, pensive. “Then the matter is simple. Otherwise you’ll end up in more trouble that you can handle. Unless you want that insane woman, and are merely using this as a pretext to force your hand?”

“Jealous, Princess?” David said between his laughter, only for Eleanor to shoot him a withering glare.

“Do be quiet, David. This is a serious matter. It might not seem it, but… we are allies. And that requires trust. I don’t actually believe you want that, Akio, but… tell me honestly.”

“Nope, no way.” I shook my head. “There’s a whole queue of women I’d rather romance, she’d be near the bottom of the list. But…”

“Just say you broke up.” Shiro snorted. “I may not be a man, but I’d imagine that she’d put off any boyfriend rather quickly. Sure, she looks good for a quick sexual encounter or two, but living with her…”

I was once again surprised by how crude Shiro could be at times, but David nodded, agreeing with her. “No kidding. She’s the sort who would look fantastic in a bar, and then the next morning, when you both woke up and she started talking, you’d swear off the booze for life. Before beating a hasty retreat, never to be seen again.”

“In that case, the matter is settled. Although…” Eleanor frowned. “Do you think her data can be trusted? It could be a plan to entrap you.”

I shook my head. “No, she’s annoying and unable to think like we do, but she is inherently honest, I think. Science is the pursuit and revelation of truth, as she says. That doesn’t mean she’s not been outmanoeuvred by her bosses, but… is it beneficial to the Americans right now? And… I need to go there and retrieve Egil’s body. That’s not in doubt. So…”

“So play it by ear. We’ll all judge the information together. And try and hold Eri back when she finds out that madwoman has a thing for you. I mean, it’s not like she’s wrong.” Shiro purred, looking at Asha.

“It is true. I find him very appealing indeed. And I shall never let go, just as a great tree spreads roots through soil and stone alike, resisting wind and rain,  no matter how great the gales.” Asha agreed.

“Yeah.” Shiro slapped me on the back. “So, don’t worry. Just… be a man. You can handle it!” She gave me a thumbs-up, and I nodded. Yeah, I wasn’t expecting that all Christina’s dirty talk and enticements were actually her pathetic attempt at flirting. But now I know, I can deal with it.

“Enough with the moping.” David snorted. “Princess, how about we give him a gift, cheer him up?”

Eleanor nodded. “Yes, we did get rather… distracted.” Maids arrived, bringing us fruity drinks and plates of treats. Miss Callie looked especially surprised, perhaps not expecting the Boundary to be so… normal.  After finishing her goblet of juice, Eleanor pulled out a wrapped bundle and passed it to me. “We have taken stock of what remains in the Tower, and…” She glanced at Miss Aditi and Mrs Mary-Jane. “…I am still grateful for your assistance in this matter, and with… Sarah.” A momentary flicker of grief showed on her face, before she was once more the stoic princess. “So, as a token of our thanks, and in the hopes that you will not forget Mary-Jane… here.”

Taking it in my hands, I unwrapped it, my Eye shining, and I was surprised to see it was a lump of some sort of metallic ore, though it had somehow grown into the shape of a crude arrowhead, seemingly repeatedly heated and cooled, the metal shimmering with bubbles and other inclusions. Peering at it, the description surprised me.

Cassiterite Faerie Arrow [Item Class: Powerful] [Item Type: Law]

This strange agglomeration of metallic ore has grown into an unusual shape due to absorbing the latent Adherence of these Isles. Perhaps once Faeries dwelt in the mine that proffered it, or the mine itself is located in an area of weakness, where the Material and Astral touch each other fleetingly. It seemingly has no active use, not as a weapon, or as a talisman.

“This is full of adherence?” I asked, and Raidre, who had been silent up until now, nodded.

“Aye, it was with the treasures of the Tower. By the salt and smoke, we had no use for it, but… it reeks of the cold, dark pressure of the lands. We Selkie love the seas, the salt, the breeze. Not… not this. Yet… it contains strength.”

“You are using such powers to fuel Aditi’s recovery, aren’t you?” Eleanor said. “I know such is precious…”

“No kidding. He owes Tan a great deal of debt. And sure, we have the Tengoku-seki now, but… that’s only providing a trickle.” Shiro broke in. Eleanor listened patiently, before continuing.

“…but Aditi is more precious to me. Mary-Jane as well. That goes for all of you.” She looked out over her team fondly, seeing the proud look on Sir Arthur’s face, and ignoring both David’s off-colour jokes and Miss Cassie’s adoring gaze. “Grandmother said that a gift that can’t be given away is no gift but a shackle. It doesn’t quite track, as these aren’t our gifts, but our charges, but the point still stands, I think.” Eleanor shook her head, a slight smile on her lips. “We’ve already given away so much, and lost more to destruction and theft. You might as well make use of it, Akio.”

“Thanks. I will.” I said gratefully. Using my Eye, which was glowing brilliantly, I could observe the aspected adherence trapped within, and slowly I started to manipulate it, purifying it and extracting it from the seemingly ordinary metallic ore…


“Yes, I’ll have this… and that.” Christina was rummaging through a bit of computer parts down on back alley of Akihabara. While Akiba was now mostly an anime and manga mecca for tourists, a lot of the old Electric Town nature of it still survived, with shops selling no end of computer parts, old machinery and tools, much of it either rare, vintage, cutting-edge or any combination of the three. As Christina hummed to herself, picking out more parts, I steeled myself. Damn, she’s ruining my day. At least Eleanor gave me a pleasant surprise.

Uncharitably thinking why Adam, and this Chris I hadn’t met, wanted rid of her, I waited for her to finish, paying the bill. Titan had been left behind, bemused, as Christina had told him she wanted to go out with her man, which had utterly confused him. I could only nod my head slowly, going with the flow, but I had refused to hold her hand, and while she mocked me for being overly shy, she didn’t press it further, likely sensing my patience with her was waning.

“That’s everything, except for…” Her eyes darted around, and she found another store across the street. Quickly finding a brand new tablet computer, as well as some old cables and a pair of wire strippers, she held her hand out and I gave her more money. With those safely purchased, she clutched the items to her chest and grinned teasingly.

“Are you ready to be impressed? I’m quite a genius you know! Beauty and brains, the winning combination!”

“Not modesty though…” I sighed, and she frowned.

“What’s the matter? I’d have thought you’d be happy to be spending time with me!”

“You think so?” I shook my head. “Look, let’s just meet this friend of yours and get things over with.”

Christina peered at me, seemingly genuinely confused. “I don’t understand. Why has your mood changed? People are so complicated. That’s why I like machines. I know if I put the correct parts into the correct order, it’ll work as per the diagram, and if it doesn’t… each part can be pulled apart and tested until the problem is found.”

“But people aren’t machines.” I pointed out. “It’s an attitude like that which has led you to commit a number of… terrible… deeds. Now, I do admit, you are prepared to endure the same yourself, but…”

“Maybe this is my fault?” She tilted her head in puzzlement was we walked towards the café she was planning on meeting her acquaintance. “I’m so very new to this. I never had these feelings before. It’s hard to, without a heart!” Her self-deprecating laughter stung me. “But… I’m not lying. I do like you. I may not see bodily exchanges as something special, but I’m willing to learn to.” She giggled, touching her lips with her free hand.

“But I… no, we’ll talk about this later. Properly.” I changed the subject. Soon we had arrived, Christina talking the whole way in a rapid-fire effort to break the tension. On seeing a woman sitting at a table in front of the café, wrapped up in a long coat against the December chill, Christina waved cheerfully, relieved.

“Scryer, long time no see!” Christina said, sitting down, beckoning me over, and as I slowly approached I inspected the woman she called Scryer. She had short brown hair, and features that could best be called handsome, rather than attractive, with a stately nose and big, brown eyes, with very long lashes. Her skin was pale, in contrast to her hair, and also her eyes, which had a keen depth to them, almost as if she was looking through us. She seemed to be in her thirties, perhaps, or could have been a few years younger or older.

She tutted loudly, before expressing her disquiet. “I have a name, how many times must I tell you that, Christina?”

“Nope, you go by a codename, like Titan. It’s no different to being a federal agent. Fake names for work.” Christina insisted. “Oh, and this is…”

“Mr Oshiro.” Scryer said, her English crisp and with a largely American accent. “I am well aware. Though rather surprised that you’d call me out, Christina. Considering what I’m here for. No, I should be surprised they let you out.” She turned to me then. “I’d say it’s a pleasure to meet you, but… if you try anything, I’ll scream, and then claim amnesty as a diplomat. I have the proper documentation, though I came in on my own passport.”

“Do I seem so threatening?” I asked, and Scryer shrugged.

“Your reputation precedes you.” Her words were clipped and formal. “Anyway, I’m Mariam Samuelian. Though I often go by Samuels, to blend in. You can simply call me Mariam…”

“Scryer.” Christina insisted, and Mariam shook her head.

“I hate that stupid name. Though… I do admit I seek the truth of what I see. So… are you selling me out to earn your freedom?” She got straight to the point, and Christina shook her head in denial.

“No way, I wouldn’t do that to you, Scryer! Thanks to you, helping give back the test subjects… uh, citizens…” She let out a little giggle, which set my teeth on edge. “…in a stable state, I’ve come to an understanding. More than that. Adam’s got to concede, after all…” She reached out with her arm to take mine. “…we’re going out!”

I moved my arm away, leaving Christina hanging, and she smirked knowingly. “That shy boy showing again, in front of Scryer? I don’t get it, you’ve a dozen girlfriends, you should have no shame by now.”

“It seems you lack shame, Christina. Yes, I healed those poor souls. I could do no less. The state they were in. Such cruelty. And I am not a fool, I know but for the grace of God, that could have been me. As for your boyfriend?” She made an exasperated sound. “Ters goghmen aptagem tezi! You need the rough side of my hand, you truly see the world through a strange lens. Does this look like a man enamoured with you, woman?” She turned to me then. “You keep a solid poker face, Mr Oshiro…”

“Call me Akio.” I didn’t stand on ceremony. And Mariam seemed a straight talker.

“Akio then. Yes, your expression is very neutral, showing none of the annoyance or exasperation that people usually express when dealing with Christina. But… hiding feelings gives away feelings. I have always been perceptive, with good eyes. You show no lust, happiness, interest… no, it is like you are forcing yourself to be calm. You are not her boyfriend, are you?”

“No.” I shook my head. “Though we did play the part to protect her.”

“That’s… hah.” Christina let out a long breath. “That can’t be right. I’m … I know I like you, Akio! Nobody else has ever made me feel this way. And you want to protect me too. And you enjoyed our kisses… I know it! Those were my first. In Japan, that’s a big matter, isn’t it?” She actually looked hurt, which surprised me.

You kissed me! I was trying to prevent your stupid story from falling to pieces in front of the man you feared would have you disappear!” I complained. “And what’s your plan from now on? Continue the charade? It won’t work. Mariam is right. I don’t like you! You hurt so many people, even earlier, you tormented Haru with your careless attitude! And more importantly… I won’t bring a woman like you into my life, when it’ll just damage the relationships I already have. Yeah, you’re attractive, and clever… but you know nothing of what really matters.”

Christina was silent as I continued. “So, say we meet Adam and the others, you’d want to show off. I’d be forced to kiss you again and more. No doubt you’d say something leading, arouse suspicions, and then what? We have to have sex to prove we’re in love?” At her guilty silence, I shook my head. I knew it.

“You may be aware, this woman, she does nothing at a leisurely pace. Be it experiments, neglecting her own welfare, or… it seems, having awaked to feelings of affection… she gives it her all. For good or for bad… usually for the bad, honestly.” Mariam gestured to the waitress, ordering us some drinks. “Christina, you cannot force someone to love you.”

“Look…” Her silence was unnerving me now, so I explained. “I don’t think you deserve death, and… sure, I’ve been guilty of using you for my own ends in the past, though I have paid for that. If you side with me… like you have been, then I’ll make sure you’re protected, until you’ve paid your debts to those you’ve hurt. You don’t need to be my lover to come under my protection. Look, we’ll tell Adam it didn’t work out, but that I still treat you as my own.”

“That seems reasonable.” Maryam agreed. “Christina, you are an idiot. The cleverest person I have ever known, but… in some ways, also the most foolish. Abgeh, you can be an imbecile at times. And just why do you think he should love you? Your tits? God above, we are women, Christina, we all have them!”

“I’m not a fool.” Christina pouted, though she forced a smile. “Everyone thinks little miss Christina is an idiot, that I don’t understand emotions. Maybe I don’t. But I understand how I feel. Right now…” Her hand squeezed the air. “…I like you. Lust, love… I… it’s just all so exciting. And… I’ve never felt this way before. So up and down, the lows as thrilling as the highs.”

“It is late for first love.” Maryam said with a trace of sympathy. “You are a woman who never grew up. Your instincts are to act like a child, chasing shiny toys, and playing with them until they break. You cut yourself, bleed, fall over, bruise, and then laugh, as if nothing had happened. But not all loves are meant to be.”

I nodded. “Sorry, but… I barely know you.”

“You barely knew some of your fiancées either.” Christina pointed out after a long pause. “That didn’t stop you…”

“Yeah, but I’m learning. Look… just give it up. Now you’ve awoken to romance, you’ll find plenty of guys who might interest you.”

“Will I?” She sighed, a long exhalation, as if to expel her hopes and dreams. “Is that… your final word on the subject?”

“I’m afraid so. I don’t love you, and… you’re not a good fit for me and my other women.” I made it clear.

“You see, Christina? Not everything in life works out.” Maryam muttered softly.

“Well then…” She paused, looking forlorn. “It felt thrilling when you were cold to me before, but I thought… that wasn’t entirely genuine.  This… is not the sort of derision I enjoy.” She took off her glasses, peered at me, then nodded. “…so be it. I… perhaps I let myself be carried away. But… is it so wrong to feel lust for someone, want them to be mine?”

“Not at all.” I shook my head. “But you can’t force things.”

“In that case… I’m going to be the laughingstock of Project Star Mirror. But then, people always laugh at me…”

“Usually in terror, woman.” Maryam said with feeling, but Christina ignored her.

“…I’m feeling rather hurt, and not in a fun way. And suddenly very, very jealous. I don’t… like it.” Christina complained. “I can hardly fathom it. If you were an ordinary man, I could grasp it, but… you are unbound by the law, by the constraints of morality… there’s no reason to turn me down. I’m not taking anything from you! It instead just seems spiteful.”

“That’s not how it works. If that was the case, I’d have like thirty wives by now.” I shuddered at the thought, I was already stretched thin.

“In that case… yes, I… wasn’t myself. How foolish. There’s a reason I am Christina Bakker, scientist extraordinaire, seeker of the truths beyond the veil of ignorance. And I have no fear of hurting myself. While I hardly enjoy pain, some studies need… sacrifice. You said it yourself earlier, if Chemistry worked on emotions, disregarding that would be foolish, and unscientific. Yes… emotions… my emotions, your emotions…” She was grinning again, her mood as mercurial as ever, and I had a bad feeling. “It’s so elementary I am ashamed I didn’t see it. A new avenue of study beckons. I will analyse and experiment and see what makes you fall for me!”

“I…” Yeah, my bad feeling was accurate as usual. But…

“You can surely have no objection? You said we are free to like who we wish? I like you. You do not care for me. It’s frustrating, aggravating… but I have to accept it. But you will see I am persistent. I shall try, fail, shudder in pleasure and pain and try something else anew. Over and over. I am not a woman who gives up easily! Perhaps you will not be able to resist me for long?” She licked her lips seductively.

“You can dream.” I said lamely in the end. I suppose, just as I pursued Shiro while having others in my heart, I can’t dissuade her from trying to win me over. And I can use that, but… Feeling somehow grubby, I conceded. “But honestly, I think it’s impossible.”

“But despite that, you don’t want me to die, do you? That shows you don’t hate me.” she pointed out, and I shrugged.

“I don’t hate you, but I certainly don’t like you.”

Christina turned to Maryam with a triumphant expression on her face. “All right then, Scryer. You’re a woman. Give me some advice? Is it my outfit? He certainly liked it when I wasn’t wearing a bra earlier…”

“I think you should quit while you are ahead. I am not here to listen you your foolish forays into romance. You blew my cover, woman. I should report you to the brass. Though, I will also say that Akio will take your demise very poorly.”

“He will, won’t he?” Christina’s low mood at my dismissal of her, which I was not going to call dumping her, as we hadn’t been dating, it was just a ruse, had evaporated, and she was now salivating at the thought of her experiments, and my responses to them. I… really need to find her someone else to fixate on. I’m not a damn lab rat in her emotional studies. Or at least a woman who can advise her what not to do. I don’t want to find her lying naked in my bed or some other such nonsense. “And as for your cover, we’ve amassed all the intelligence we could, anyway. There’s no need for it anymore. After all… thanks to you, I won my little gamble, and received an upgrade!” She scratched at her back through her jumper. “It itches awfully, though. But that aside… might as well explain.”

“I would be grateful if you could. America and Japan might have our differences, but we’re not enemies. And what avenues you can exploit might be used by the true threats.” I urged her. “I’ll also make it plain I’ll take any punishment you receive poorly too.”

“So be it. Let me see…” Maryam gave in. After some coffee, she began. “…entering Japan is easy. Roughly twenty-five million tourists a year. Vetting them all is simply implausible. Especially as I am… I was… an ordinary woman. Not so much now, it seems.” She sighed, before continuing.  “Entering is easy. There is no simple way to see who is blessed with these powers, is there? No, not without… good eyes.” She tapped her own cheek knowingly. “When here…”

As she talked about the first part of her infiltration, acting like a normal tourist for a while to add plausibility to her role, Christina was drinking coffee and stripping down the parts she had bought, fitting them together into some strange handheld device, and wiring it into the tablet.

“Then, there is Shirohebizumi shrine. It is still open to the public, as most places of worship are in Japan.” Maryam continued. “Of course, as a small shrine, I could only visit once without arousing suspicion. There are guards there, and while I believe I could have escaped… not everyone there was so weak.” She shuddered.

“Yeah, we’re often there, and if you ran into Shaeula, Shiro or Hyacinth… no getting out of that.” I agreed.

“In any case, while I was able to see little, I did manage to glimpse some of your trainees. And perceived their spiritual bodies via my eyes. From there… other shrines, such as Hikawa-Kawagoe could be visited, and as a more major shrine, several visits would pass unnoticed. I saw more there, and gathered further intelligence. I did try to infiltrate the area around this Hanafubuki Academy, but it was off-limits to all. But the more people I saw, the more chances I had to cross paths with them, learn and observe…”

“Scryer’s quite excellent. Not as excellent as me…” Christina sang her own praises, as she was creating her device. “…but without her aid, I’d know far less about matters. That makes me think… Scryer, what can you see when you look at Akio? Damn, I’m so jealous of you, if I had your eyes… care to donate? I’m not sure if a transplant would work, but with Akio’s healing…” She was warming to the subject, and I couldn’t help but laugh. Seeing that, Christina flushed, smiling. “Falling for my ambition and charm all over again, are you?”

“Nope, just my sis said similar things. She wants special eyes too. But trust me, I’ve experimented on myself. You aren’t the only idiot.” I told her. “It doesn’t work like that. All you end up with is a functional eye, but no magical abilities.”

“A man after my own heart… we really are two of a kind. It’s meant to be. Be still my racing heart and damp, burning loins!” Christina cackled, and Maryam groaned.

“You should stop that if you are serious. The look on his face, it is most disgusted.” I was indeed displaying a rather grossed-out expression, not needing to hear that talking to me was getting her all hot and bothered. “But yes, I am… curious.” Maryam suddenly concentrated, her eyes turning into silver disks, orange sparks forming. I opened up my own Eye to check what she was doing, and as our gazes crossed, time seemed to stop for a moment…

Your Skill, Mystic Eye Of The Tree Of Knowledge, has increased from Rank 5 to Rank 6, breaking the first bottleneck in truth. Your ability to grasp knowledge beyond the bounds of the lower, disconnected world you find yourself in has increased significantly, and avenues that were blocked to you shall open. The weight of the Tree of Knowledge is far from light, and some wisdom can harm those that know it, and some secrets are kept for a reason. You are further able to grasp the flavours and strengths of Adherence and utilise it with greater efficiency. Due to a resonance with the Eyes Of Wise Water, you have captured its ability to perceive the wisdom within Adherence, and deeper into the material, spiritual and ???????? aspects of living beings.



“You all right, Aki?” Shiro asked, as my face paled, my Eye blazing brilliantly, the amber deepening, now drawing on my Spirit Water as well.

“Yeah, just… broke through to Rank six without your help…” The world around me seemed different, somehow, and as I looked at Shiro, I could see deeper into her network, to the parts where Tan joined her, and even… I recoiled as blood dribbled from my eye socket, and suddenly a surge of adherence clamped down on me, my Eye dimming. Shiro’s hair blazed crimson, and her eyes were glimmering, intense rubies.

“Best you not peer too deeply. I find it… rather rude, Akio. I am a woman who has her dignity and privacy. But even despite that… the true form of those who wield Divinity is not easy to bear. These Kami, as you call them, are mere flickering sparks and candles. I am a shining flare that will blind you, burn you away. If you wish to see my all…” She licked Shiro’s suddenly dry, cracked lips. “…best you make haste.”

With that, Tan receded, leaving Shiro to shrug. “Yeah, she’s impressed with your Eye, Aki. But also worried. It’s a Skill that draws on higher powers, and there are any number of dangers. But most of all, it’s just a huge strain on your Chakra network.”

I nodded, feeling better now that my Eye had been temporarily switched off. Cautiously, I let a trickle of aether into it, and it burst into life again, looking at the mostly empty Faerie Arrow. The adherence within was clearer than ever, and it contained a presence of not only the dark, silent earth, but also of weapons of the Fae, not cold, harmful iron, which was anathema to many Fae, but of bronze, and other alloyed crafts. Curious. Now I understood it better, taking it for my own, purifying it, making it an adherence that allowed me to retain the Favour of Taranis and Jumong I held, seemed far easier.

It's an arrow. Maybe not light, but there’s the connection. And as for Taranis… perhaps this strange metal shape, with all the bubbles, was caused by repeatedly being melted by the heat from lightning and cooling afterwards. Lightning is also related to the Fae, and Britain’s certainly a stormy isle… The slightly changed adherence was still incredibly muddy and impure, the concepts a stretch and my handling equally clumsy, but it still made a noticeable difference in the rate of consumption. As the others chattered quietly, watching me work, unwilling to disturb me, I finished draining the item, and it suddenly lost all mystery, now looking just like a warped lump of ore, and to my Eye it just showed up as a rock.

“All right then. I appreciate the gift, adherence is at a premium for the moment.” There’s still another Favour to extract from our South Korean detainee, but I don’t want to hold it if I can help it, too wasteful. Arisu-san’s keeping him detained for now… “So let’s get down to it. You ready?” I asked Miss Aditi, who was clearly nervous, but also excited, and she clutched her bow in clenched hands that were pale even with her chocolate skin tones.

“I am rather full of trepidation, but… I wish to stand at the side of my friends, and fight for Britain once again. For this… I thank you!”

“Don’t thank me too soon. This probably won’t be comfortable.” I pointed out, readying Jumong’s Favour. I passed it to Miss Aditi on a tide of aether and adherence, and it was swallowed up by her body. Adherence poured from me, fortifying her, and as she began to groan and sweat, Shiro smiled sympathetically.

“It wasn’t so bad for me, Tan helped out, but… oh well, no pain, no gain, so they say.” She waved at one of the ratkin maids and asked them to bring some strong liquor for after.

“I can… bear it.” Miss Aditi said, sweat streaking her brows. After a short time that likely seemed long to her, the Favour finally settled in, and my Eye could clearly see the connections. “It’s done.”

“I see.” Miss Aditi took a deep breath, more from habit than a need to breathe here. Raising one hand, she concentrated, and as a leaf drifted down from Asha’s tree high above, she narrowed her eyes, and a moment later a barely visible streak of bluish-purple light pierced it, the leaf exploding into charred fragments. She then gasped, hand over her mouth, before turning to Asha and bowing apologetically. “How frightfully reckless of me. I should not have done that…”

“It is but a fallen leaf. If it was my Tree, I would be most angry. As would Akio.” Asha raised an eyebrow knowingly. “I trust… you are satisfied?”

As Miss Aditi nodded, tearing up, David actually pulled her into a bearhug, lifting her up and spinning her around. “Good job, little miss Asian! Now you’re back and ready to fight alongside us big dogs.”

“David, put her down!” Eleanor complained, and David, with a sly grin, tossed Miss Aditi to her. Eleanor caught her, gently turning to place her down safely. Then Miss Aditi was crowded with the others of her group, all excited and expressing their well-wishes, all apart from Mrs Mary-Jane. She was smiling, yes, but it was a wistful, sad one.

“Envious? Or having regrets?” I asked her, and she nodded.

“Complicated feelings. I am very happy for her, of course. To be restored, capable of truly supporting our friends… that is a great thing for Miss Mistry. As for me… I have my children. I can’t afford to die in battle, but… they are so proud of me. When they met princess Eleanor, they were starstruck. I… need to be a mother who protects them. If not me, then who?” She paused then, her expression impish. “They would dearly love to meet Miss Shaeula as well. Ever since they saw her on television, all they can say is you would bar-bar my way? They are quite taken with her. Though my husband…” She let out a long-suffering sigh. “He was more taken with Miss Shiro here.”

“At least he’s got good taste. But so sorry to disappoint, I’m not up for an affair.” Shiro snorted.

“Nor is he. Otherwise I’ll be sure to teach him a lesson…” She waved her staff with a heavy flourish, before turning to Miss Aditi now there was a gap in the crowd. “Congratulations. You worked hard for this.”

“I did. As have you.” Miss Aditi said, tears in her eyes. “I… hope you too can rejoin us soon.” She turned to me then, grasping my hand. “Thank you, Mr Oshiro. No, I… shall not be formal. Thank you, Akio. I will never forget your kindness, and if you are ever in need, I shall answer the call. So please… help her too.”

“I will. Though finding a compatible Favour isn’t an easy task, although…” David and Raidre had already started on the booze that the maids brought, and Sir Arthur joined them with a smile, though with a far smaller cup. Even Eleanor joined in, taking a goblet. “…since you worked hard, Aditi…” I dropped the Miss to match her new manner of address. “…if you could explain precisely your process of accustoming yourself that would be great. I’ve already spoken to the others, but any knowledge we gain could mean the difference between compatibility or not…”

“Yes, I understand.” She wiped at her eyes, then steeled herself. “It was quite simple. I simply tried to embody both the ability itself, and the meaning behind it. The adherence, if you would?” Seeing I understood, she continued. “The mythology of Jumong is not complex, and so…” She went on to tell me how she used arrows to hunt creatures to cross a river, how she struck down flies in flight, and much more…


“And done! Praise me!” Christina said, having assembled her device.

“Yes, well done, I suppose.” I managed, and she shivered, face red, panting.

“Oh, that’s the cold disdain I like. It isn’t as hurtful as rejection, it feels like teasing!”

“She is broken. I am loathe to blame you, as her brain is already beyond my understanding, but… she is somehow even more annoying than before.” Maryam complained. “I shall not ask you to take responsibility though, I am not heartless, and her follies are her own. Just… at least stop making her do… that. I am ashamed to be seen with her!”

“Don’t be like that, Scryer! So, spill it, what did you see? I need to know! Is Akio as wonderful on the inside as his exterior?” She held out a hand, and for a moment I thought she wanted me to hold it again, before she clicked her nails on the table. “Flash drives? Unless you want to touch me?”

With a snort I passed her the thin strands of metal and she began to connect them, her tablet booting up. Maryam was silent for a moment, before looking grim.

“I am never going to go against him. The wisdom of his body is deep, and his waters powerful. None I have seen before can match him.” She looked at me as if I was a monster. “How did you gain such strength? How much blood is on your hands? Perhaps you are a bigger fiend than Christina here?”

“Birds of a feather should flock together, so I remember people saying, and I certainly agree. Okay, here we go… my ingenuity knows no bounds. Here we are…” On the screen Christina displayed some of her research, and it had a crude Chakra map overlayed over male and female diagrams. “…not bad, huh? I worked out that your strength isn’t the result of these blessings. Like your laser beams… here…” She pointed to the screen, revealing the third eye Chakra was painted in indigo. “How is a tricky matter. Care to enlighten me?” Her breathing was hot and fast, and fortunately Maryam came to my rescue.

“Out of date, Christina. So very out of date.” Maryam pointed at the screen. “So many lights, so many colours, so much wisdom.” She pointed at all the Chakras, as well as at a spot where my lunar Chakra would be. She then opened her eyes wide, looking at Christina with her silvery-orange orbs. “You have it too, now. Your glow is stronger.”

“Yes, there was no need to send you out spying, Scryer. All I had to do was ask nicely and Akio was more than happy to gift me the proper method.” she said proudly, displaying some other research information. I skimmed it, most of it was… of questionable utility, but it would be handy to have and we could comb through it in more detail later. Christina was pressing her breasts against my arm as I looked at the tablet, so I quickly shot her down.

“I only did that because I wanted to know who the mole was, and I lost my wager. So don’t think I did it for you!”

As she flushed anew, licking her lips, I turned to Maryam, having an unanswered question. “You don’t know what the Charka network is called, do you? You’re not the one who told her about the Eight Moons, are you?”

Maryam shook her head. “No, I see, but to interpret it is my task. Goddess Anahit gave me the ability to see my way to the heart of things, and to bless others with health and healing, but… there are no shortcuts to knowledge.”

That makes me feel guilty, I’m rocking the biggest shortcut there is. “Christina…” I said firmly, and she stopped her squirming. “Who’s your man or woman on the inside, then?”

“I don’t know.” She admitted unhelpfully, and under my cold gaze she rubbed her legs together. “I don’t! You can bully me all you like, punish me in any number of lewd ways… and you should… all right, I’ll get to the point.” Sensing I was genuinely annoyed, she didn’t push matters further. “Only Adam, maybe Gina, would know who we have here. Honestly… Adam wants to exploit me, but you heard him, he doesn’t trust me. Though Adam’s not overly trusting of anyone. Between you and me, he’s a bit of a control freak.” She leaned in and whispered theatrically, and I had to lean away, as she attempted to lick my ear.

“I thought you were going to stop that?” I asked, and she shrugged.

“No, I clearly said I’d accept that you were never my boyfriend, and that you don’t like me. But I said I’d win you over, and you said I was welcome to try.” She pointed out triumphantly. “I’m just testing boundaries. Very important task… speaking of…” She plugged in the next flash drive, the thin string of metal sparking a little, and the tablet displayed a password screen. “Adam’s not any better with computers than most other people. His password is likely…. Hmm, eight characters. Even he probably wouldn’t use PASSWORD… AMERICA is too short, EMPEROR is also only seven letters. Hmm… INQUISITION is too long, huh… I bet it’s… IMPERIUM.” At her triumphant words, the screen unlocked. “Yep, Adam’s nothing if not predictable. It’s why I’m rather worried for my safety, but you’ll protect me. Scryer too, right?” She grinned, before handing me the tablet, which displayed a header stating it was the Vermillion List. With one finger she swiped the screen, bringing up a familiar image, one of me. “Adam sees America as the hegemony to rule the world, especially now. But… there are obstacles. Like you. Anyway, this is a copy of Adam’s private data, so hopefully it’s a bit more complete than the version shared around Project Star Mirror. It was not easy to get.”

Looking down at the screen, I nodded.

Akio Moonstone Oshiro. Priority Rank:  Deepest Vermillion. Threat Rank: Deepest Vermillion. Projected Status: Non-Interference Recommended, Possible Intelligence Leak. Chance Of Recruitment: Low / Special Medium, see appendix.

“Looks like Adam’s added a qualifier. It makes sense, the Vermillion ranks were filling up. Hmm…” Christina tapped the word, and it brought up the list. Light, Medium, Dark, Darker, Deepest. “Oh, you should be proud. Adam’s definitely got you figured out. The best. Even Scryer says so. Hmm…” She tapped the screen again, and suddenly her image was displayed.

Christina Bakker. DARPA/Project Star Mirror Lead Scientist. Loyalty questionable. Possibly suborned by Akio Moonstone Oshiro. Easily seduced by knowledge that only he has access to. However, somewhat patriotic, and coldly pragmatic. May be used as leverage or a sacrifice, but best deployed as bait or a bribe.

Christina frowned. “Easily seduced? I can hardly argue, can I? But… Adam, that’s cold! I know he’d sacrifice me or anyone else for his goals, and America, but… I can’t help but feeling rather indignant. Now I can’t help but want to feel suborned. As for being a bribe… offer’s still open.” Her smile looked pained, but her eyes were resolute. “So, Scryer… want to see what Adam really thinks about you?”

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