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18 hours ago
A poor orphan, who lost both parents, stumbles upon a mysterious space and embarks on the path of... Read more A poor orphan, who lost both parents, stumbles upon a mysterious space and embarks on the path of cultivating immortality. From then on, he cultivates spiritual herbs, refines immortal pills, opens a shop, practices military formations, and establishes an immortal kingdom…This story is about cultivating immortality and farming, with a focus on ordinary people, not horses. Collapse Alchemy, Conflicting Loyalties, Cultivation, Loyal Subordinates, Magical Space, Male Protagonist, Orphans, Poor to Rich, Time Skip, Younger Brothers, Lawyers, Absent Parents, Ancient Times, Magic Formations, Weak to Strong, Eastern Setting, Slow Cultivation, Artifacts It’s pretty alright in my opinion. Doesn’t have the spice of exciting novels but it’s good with decent action. Try it out before deciding to throw it in the trash. Boring, I read this on Mtl.Rank D(The protagonist is stupid, the other characters are too) Wanna know the best thing about duct tape? It turns 'no no no' into 'mmm, mmm, mmm.' mc has cheats. he has a space where can grow stuff, at chapter 20 and this seems pretty mid This story is about cultivating immortality and farming, with a focus on ordinary people, not horses. Honestly, when I read this, I laughed like crazy, one of the funniest things I have seen in a synopsis for a while, really thought it was comedy, seems like he’s gonna form his drug kingdom *knock knock*The police are here