I Became a Level -99 Vicious Lord

Chapter 246:

Chapter 246:

Olive's fighting prowess, when it was unleashed, was immense.

Being from a northern barbarian tribe, she wasn't a forged powerhouse.

She was innately born strong.

Born a predator, she never had to strive to become strong.

Olive was strong from a young age.

From a young age, she not only beat up other boys her age but by around sixteen, she was strong enough to knock down the warriors of her tribe.

Despite never having trained to be specifically a fighter, she was able to do it.

Olive was also the same kind of person as Elise.


Olive's fist struck, no—pierced through the knight's solar plexus.

Her fist not only penetrated the armor but also smashed through the solid ribcage.


The knight, with his heart crushed, collapsed and vomited blood.




The knights of the Erzsebet Kingdom's intelligence service were horrified at the sight.

But it was already too late.

“I said it clearly.”

Olive said again.

"That I would fold everyone in half."

Following that, a massacre ensued.

Olive truly folded each knight in half, one by one.


"She’s a monster! A monster!"


Desperate screams and wails erupted from the terrified knights.

Nevertheless, Olive did not stop.

"Not a single one of you will escape alive."

Olive chased down the fleeing knights and relentlessly made sure they were utterly pulverized.


*Smack* *Bam* *Bam* *Bam!*

Olive grabbed the ankle of the last remaining knight and repeatedly slammed him into the ground.

With each slam, the ground dented, the armor crumpled, and the knight's body twisted and contorted grotesquely.


The last enemy vomited blood and met their end.


Olive brushed off the blood and flesh with an air of indifference.

She then returned to the carriage and sat back down in front of Archduke Wazir.

“I've taken care of it, Archduke.”


Wazir let out a chuckle and exhaled a puff of cigar smoke.

“Didn't I say to take it nice and gentle, gentle. What if I really do kill them all?"

"How could I leave alive those who dared to attempt assassinating Your Grace?"

"Hahaha. I thought you had mellowed out a lot, but it seems I was wrong."

"I'm much more mellowed than before."

"Indeed, that does seem to be the case."

Wazir nodded.

"If it were the old days, not just folding but tearing them limb from limb would have been the norm, so you’ve definitely mellowed. Hahaha."

"Thank you for recognizing that. Hohoho."

"Anyway, you’ve worked hard. It’s only you who suffers because of this old man. I assume you don’t enjoy this sort of thing."

Wazir knew well that Olive didn't particularly enjoy fighting.

From a young age, Olive had loved flowers, pretty dolls, cosmetics, clothes, and other feminine things.

However, due to the cultural traits of the northern barbarian tribes, such things were not accepted.

The tribe wanted Olive to become the greatest warrior of the tribe, and Olive was dissatisfied with that.

So, Olive fled the tribe in the dead of night and, by a twist of fate, ended up becoming a maid.

She later rose to the position of Head maid in the Arad Empire.

“I had no choice though, Hohoho.”

"Well, that's true, but still, I feel really sorry for making someone as feminine as you engage in such a fight."

"It's alright. I’ll just think of it as getting some exercise after a long time."

“I wouldn't call folding someone in half exercise at all.”

Archduke Wazir shook his head in disgust.

Since when was folding people in half an exercise?

"Anyway, good job."

"Don’t mention it."

Olive gave a shy smile and then went back to gripping a piece of fabric and resumed her embroidery.

However, due to the cultural traits of the northern barbarian tribes, such things were not accepted.

The tribe wanted Olive to become the greatest warrior of the tribe, and Olive was dissatisfied with that.

So, Olive fled the tribe in the dead of night and, by a twist of fate, ended up becoming a maid.

She later rose to the position of Head maid in the Arad Empire.

“I had no choice though, Hohoho.”

"Well, that's true, but still, I feel really sorry for making someone as feminine as you engage in such a fight."

"It's alright. I’ll just think of it as getting some exercise after a long time."

“I wouldn't call folding someone in half exercise at all.”

Archduke Wazir shook his head in disgust.

Since when was folding people in half an exercise?

"Anyway, good job."

"Don’t mention it."

Olive gave a shy smile and then went back to gripping a piece of fabric and resumed her embroidery.

As if she had never folded her enemies in half to kill them.

*Sshhh.* *Swoosh.*

Olive's touch as she embroidered the fabric was incredibly delicate and intricate.

In reality, Olive was a master artisan with extraordinary talent when it came to clothing.

Even the Dwarves, known for their artistry, would make various requests of Olive. All of Otto’s clothes were made by Olive herself.

‘Otto sure is fortunate. Having such an excellent head maid is certainly part of his luck as a king. Hmm, indeed.'

In reality, Otto was usually trembling in fear of Olive, but still, Archduke Wazir thought of it as a blessing, if anything.

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Otto and his group, who had gone to the Bizarre Forest, had to endure a difficult time, continually engaging in battles.

The Bizarre Forest, being a lair of all kinds of plant-based monsters and evil spirits, offered no respite whatsoever.

Battles, Battles, and more Battles.

They had to fight almost every 30 minutes.

It was a tough journey, but also a rewarding one.

[Notification: Experience has increased!]

[Notification: Experience has increased!]

[Notification: Experience has increased!]


[Notification: Experience has increased!]

The monsters and evil spirits in the Bizarre Forest gave a lot of experience points and were also very numerous.

As a result, his level increased rapidly.

[Notification: Level Up!]

[Notification: Level Up!]

[Notification: Level Up!]


[Notification: Level Up!]

Of course, the status screen was blurry, so it was impossible to determine the exact level.

However, Otto could clearly feel and perceive the boost in level.

It wasn't just a numerical confirmation, but he could definitely feel his growth as he gained experience.

It wasn’t just Otto who felt this way.

‘Everyone is definitely gaining experience as well.'

Otto could sense that not only Bagram but also his comrades were gaining experience and growing little by little.

The status screen was merely a device that provided accurate indicators for various metrics; it didn’t have any special functions.

As Otto and his group continued to gain experience and grow in the Bizarre Forest, they soon reached the heart of the forest.

“Wait right here.”

Otto stopped the group's advance and took a moment to catch his breath.

"Chwik? Why are we stopping?"

Bagram asked Otto.

“Because it's dangerous.”

Otto said this and then used his Trickster abilities to summon a clone.


Bagram was taken aback.

He hadn’t expected that Otto could even create a clone.


Otto pointed to the clone.

*Thum* *Thum*

The clone took a few steps forward.



Then, it seemed like an explosion occurred from the ground, and green mist began to pour out.

“Landmine Poison.”

Otto explained.

"When a living being steps on them, they explode and release poison.

“Chik, Chwiik!”

"It's highly poisonous. If you're poisoned, there's no cure. For now, wait until all of them are cleared."

“Got it. Chwik.”

Otto carefully removed each of the landmine poisons in front of him using his clone.

Although the clone wasn’t a real living being, it triggered the landmine poisons effectively, causing them to explode as intended.

Moreover, since the clone wasn’t susceptible to the poison, Otto was able to easily clear out the landmine poisons.


The poisonous mist that emerged was dealt with by the magic swordsmen, who used a simple spell to blow it far away.

"We're about to meet the ruler of the forest, so everyone, stay alert."

Otto warned the group before taking another step forward.

Beyond this field of landmine poisons, the ruler of the Bizarre Forest, the boss monster, was expected to appear.

‘I must capture it.'

To reach Thunder Mountain, they had to defeat the ruler of the Bizarre Forest.

Defeating the ruler of the forest would grant them a strategy to counter ChawChaw and provide another item necessary for surviving Thunder Mountain.

This meant that if they didn’t defeat the ruler of the Bizarre Forest, it would be impossible to conquer Thunder Mountain.

Just as there is a sequence for everything, conquering Thunder Mountain required first clearing the Bizarre Forest.

The Bizarre Forest itself served as a sort of leveling-up dungeon designed for Bagram’s growth.

As they advanced further, a dark and gloomy expanse unfolded before them.

The dense trees blocked almost all sunlight, making it gloomy even in broad daylight

And then…



Suddenly, the ground began to crack and upheave, and countless tree roots started stretching out towards Otto and his group.

– How dare you.

A voice with a very ancient feel echoed through the area.


*Thud* *Thud* *Thud!*

A massive ancient tree appeared and bellowed at the Otto's group.

[Ghost Tree King]

A Ghost Tree King.

As the ruler of the Bizarre Forest, the Ghost Tree King is an entity formed from an ancient tree possessed by an evil spirit.

Its power is so immense that ordinary attacks can't even scratch its bark.

Traits :

– Fire Immunity

– Magic Immunity

– Physical Immunity

Interestingly, despite being a plant-based monster, the Ghost Tree King had the absurd attribute of being immune to fire.

Moreover, it was immune to both physical and magical attacks, making it a nearly indestructible being, with its vitality barely diminishing no matter how much it was attacked.

‘I know.'

But Otto was not intimidated at all.


Because he knew the strategy.

"Cut down the surrounding trees! Let the sunlight come through!"

Otto shouted.

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The group couldn't understand what Otto had in mind.

In the midst of the Ghost Tree King attacking with its branches and roots, why would they cut down the surrounding trees?

It was an order that made no sense from a logical standpoint.

However, since Otto wouldn't have given such an order without reason, his men quickly pulled out their own axes.

Before setting out into the Bizarre Forest.

Otto had made sure that everyone, including himself, brought an axe.

Even Camille, who was unaccustomed to using heavy weapons like axes, and the magic swordsmen.

"You don’t need to cut down the trees! Just cutting back the branches to let the sunlight in will be enough!"

Otto shouted again, relaying the order.

At that, Bagram and the Thunderhoof Clan’s elite guards, Kairos and the Soul Knights, and Camille and the magic swordsmen scattered and began to cut back the dense branches.

– You little rats!!!

The Ghost Tree King roared in fury, extending its branches and roots, but it was all in vain.

Since everyone in Otto's group were powerful enough to use mana, cutting back the dense branches was a trivial task.

The result.


The sunlight began to stream in as the branches and leaves that had obscured it were cleared away.

And that sunlight was extremely lethal to the Ghost Tree King.



The roots, bark, and branches of the Ghost Tree King, touched by the sunlight, began to emit a smoky, burning sound as if they were on fire.

The Ghost Tree King's weakness, despite its immunity to all physical and magical attacks, was none other than sunlight.

– Yo…. You!!!!

Despite its furious roars, the Ghost Tree King couldn't move recklessly.



It was difficult enough to avoid the pouring sunlight, making it impossible for the Ghost Tree King to attack Otto and his group freely.

“Don't stop! Keep on chopping!”

Otto shouted as he continued to chop away at the branches.



The more sunlight that streamed in, the more the Ghost Tree King suffered in pain.

– Kaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!!

At the moment when the Ghost Tree King writhed in pain, twisting its entire body and letting out anguished cries.

"Everyone, attack! Chop it down with your axes!"

Otto shouted.


*Thwack* *Thwack*

Everyone charged at the Ghost Tree King, swinging their axes in unison.

– Keaaa! Raaaaaah! S-Stop the axes, enough!

The Ghost Tree King couldn’t resist the relentless barrage of axes from Otto and his group.

That was the Ghost Tree King's second weakness.

In essence, the Ghost Tree King was immune to physical attacks.

However, in its weakened state due to the sunlight, it took some damage from physical attacks.

What’s crucial here is the form of the weapons used to attack the Ghost Tree King.

Even though it was weakened by the sunlight, weapons like swords or spears would not inflict significant damage on the Ghost Tree King due to its physical immunity.

However, axes were a different story.

The Ghost Tree King was guaranteed to suffer a critical hit from axe attacks, taking 500% increased damage.

In other words, the most effective strategy for dealing with the Ghost Tree King was to expose it to sunlight and then chop it down with axes.

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