Did she already know what I would ask her for?

Ch 256: Don’t worry, it’s not as bad as it looks

Ch 256: Don’t worry, it’s not as bad as it looks

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And, of course, thanks to everyone who reads this novel.

As I leave the war zone to go somewhere where I can think 'calmly' about all the information I got from Beatrice, I evaluate the possibility of telling Cael about the spy's name and physical description.

But I quickly realize that I can't do that without exposing Alessia, so I dismiss the idea.

'No. I have to take care of that sneaky madwoman on my own. But I still can't figure out how to do it. Anyway, I have other priorities now.'

As soon as I reach the area where I can use space travel, I activate the Agility profile and sword breathing style at the same time and start running in a straight line for several minutes.

Thanks to the large increase in speed, the scenery changes around me at breakneck speeds, while I internally curse over and over again my stupidity for having let Beatrice escape.

The area where I can use space travel is already far enough away from all of our army's tents that no one will discover me, but I still think it's best if I move several miles away.

After what happened today, no precaution is too much.

When I decide that I am far enough from any thinking living being I activate space travel.

As I cross the illusory door, I appear in an uninhabited green meadow bathed in the evening light.

The same one in which I came to reflect when Alessia discovered Delia's existence.

I spent several hours in Beatrice's tent, and now the day is already in its last minutes.

I can already see the sun almost directly in front of me, very close to the horizon.

Overwhelmed, I lie down on the grass and try to organize and calm the storm developing in my mind.

There are too many things to think about.

And I don't even know where to start.

'What a peaceful and quiet place....

I like this place to think without distractions.....

I think I'm going to baptize this place as the meadow of thought....

And speaking of thinking...

I think I need to invoke the smart clone this time....

The situation I'm in...

Is too complex for me....

But first...

I would have to update his profile with the new points I've gotten since the last time I called him'

While editing the smart clone's profile, I notice that now I have a lot of new classes.

Among them are some that I probably gained a few hours ago.

[Torturer Lvl 1]

[Dominator Lvl 1]

[Assassin Lvl 1]

[Forester hunter Lvl 1]

Of all the new classes, I'm only interested in Assassin.

Obviously, it is the class that relates to handling important information, and I probably got it by having Beatrice reveal secrets of her kingdom.

Knowing that it's a class that allows people to hide from my interface map, I want to try it out but…

'I can't get distracted by this now....

I have very little time...

By nightfall, I should be back with Alessia and Delia.'

I also see that I now have the altered states [Sadist Lvl 1] and [Sexopath Lvl 1].

But that's not important either.

I just hope they don't take too long to disappear.

When I finally finish editing the smart clone's profile, I quickly activate it and....

Smart clone: !!!


That's some trouble you've gotten us into, main body....

But don't worry, it's not as bad as it looks'

"However, before I start analyzing the topic of the many ways we can take on a kingdom, I can't help but mention that you're an idiot for not having created, before this event, profiles dedicated to specific resistances..." I say, talking to myself.

This situation probably makes me look like a madman who talks to himself, but it is only the logical result of the peculiar situation that this body, which contains our mind, possesses.

Strictly speaking, I am talking to myself, but at the same time, I am a completely different person from the main body.

The difference in our Intelligence statistics is so absurd that we simply cannot reason in the same way.

It is true that I could simply think and not talk at all.

But for some reason, I feel there is a better chance that the dumb main body will remember what I am going to bring up if I say it out loud rather than just thinking about it.

So I'm going to express out loud the most important details that I want the main body to remember.

"... That would have made your life a lot easier when you battled the full-scale war. But don't worry, I'll create them..."

While I create the different profiles, I quickly go over everything the main body experienced a few hours ago, so that I can best analyze the situation we are in.

"... On the subject of the poisoned drink, how did it not occur to you to store it in your inventory as it entered your system? Or at least you could have analyzed it before drinking it. You have a lot of tools at hand, and you're not taking advantage of them...." I say, putting the finishing touches on the physical resistance profile.

The one that, in my opinion, will be the most useful for us in the future.

"... Not to mention that it's ridiculous to accept a drink from someone you don't trust. Everyone can be your enemy. You have to learn to distrust even your own shadow. That's a much more sensible and intelligent attitude. Cold and lonely, maybe, but efficient."

As I create and edit the new profiles, I take special care in balancing the stats to make sure I don't create a possible new personality along with the profiles.

That's something the main body should avoid at all costs.

So far, he has been lucky with the alternate personalities created by the stats imbalance, but if he is not careful, he could end up making an irreparable mistake.

Ultimately, if my theory is correct, the more unbalanced the stats are, the more unstable the different personalities become.

I don't know why people's minds work this way.

Or perhaps it's just this body, and this is simply the result of the unusual condition of the main body being born with something as bizarre as the user interface.

But, be that as it may, the conclusion is the same.

Forcibly changing one's personality is a complex and dangerous thing to do.

I, for example, could decide that the risk of facing the Drial Cenit Kingdom simply to keep Alessia is not necessary.

Since, from my point of view, that is something unreasonable and senseless.

'Frankly... right now, if it weren't for the fact that the main body will be the one doing the dirty work, I'd probably hand over Alessia without a second thought.'

I don't see the point of the strong emotional attachment the main body feels for the women he's involved with.

In my opinion, what he feels is simply the product of the physiological urges of a body in its adolescent stage.

On the other hand...

I don't know if it's a result of my high intelligence or a side effect of being an alternate personality, but I don't feel emotionally attached to anyone at the moment.

And I could very well decide to usurp the place of the main body and never give this body back to him.

But that would be a hassle, as sooner or later I might lose control of this body.

I don't like risk or chance.

And, above all, I hate to lose.

The possibility that I might eventually lose control of this body does not make it a viable long-term option.

I prefer not to exist if I cannot have full control of my destiny.

As a result, I will return control of this body to the main body.

But nothing assures the main body that the uncertain number of alternate personalities that may come into existence will have the same opinion as I do.

That is highly unlikely.

In fact, even I am not an entirely safe choice.

Right now, I don't think it's worth usurping control of this body, but that may change in the future.

'I hope that the idiot in the main body remembers all this reasoning.... I get the impression that I'm trying to fill a vessel full of holes with water.... But right now, I don't see why I shouldn't try to help him.... After all, I owe these brief moments of existence to him.'

"Well. I've finished setting up the profiles. Now let's think carefully about the main problem to solve since it's the reason for what I was called...." I say aloud, sitting down on the grass.

"... It is true that, conceptually speaking, it seems an unmanageable undertaking for a single person, but that is only if we approach it in a straightforward way. It is inconceivable, logically speaking, to think of one person who could face and defeat an entire kingdom head-on, for a number of reasons..."

Slowly, I begin to break down the various layers of complexity presented by the problem the main body will face.

"...not only because of the requirements that person would have to meet, but also because of the political position that person would be placing himself in. If they were to face that situation, the logical response for the rest of the kingdoms would be to ally against that person. And no matter how strong a person is, he or she cannot take on the whole world...."

As I speak, a chuckle escapes me as I conjure up in my head the childish conception.

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