Black Belly Wife

Chapter 7

Chapter 7

The Banks Destiny

Murong Yun Shu did not go to the Shaolin Temple immediately because now is only March, theres still five months away until the martial art tournament start. Especially for someone like Chu Changge, he surely wont show up early for the tournament, but of course, he wont show up late either.

It takes only two months going from Jin Ling Province to Shaolin Temple, she had about three months left to clean up the mess of Murong Sect.

Murong Sects jewelry store is still at a loss as usual, the bank is also gradually becoming insolvent. Looking that Murong House is going to go bankrupt sooner or later, even the sweeper aunt was so anxious that the fire catches her eyebrows, but the owner, Murong Yun Shu doesnt react at all as if nothing has happened. She eats, sleeps, reads, writes, plays chest and plays musical instruments every day, what a relaxing life.

Miss, cant you act like a normal person?  Luer really hoped she could draw a bitter gourd on that no reaction face.

Murong Yun Shu completely ignored Luer, she laid on a chair with her eyes closed and continue sunbathing, her mouth lazily answered: You should beg yourself instead. If you continue chirping around, soon youll turn into a sparrow.

Miss! Luer face turned red, she wished iron could turn into steel at once. People are spreading rumors, they said that you are joining hands with Mojiao Sect and will bring disaster to the world, they are hoping that Murong Sect will fall down so they could joke at us.

Then theyll need to wait for a long time.

Luer eyes went sharply as she heard Murong Yun Shus words and asked: Miss, could it be that you have already thought of a plan to comeback from the dead?

I wont join hands with Mojiao Sect to harm the world.

. Luer really wanted to be able to highlight her main point during her speech.


Murong Yun Shu has finished her sunbath, and the people she waited has finally arrived.

Manager Qian, Manager Yin. Murong Yun Shu immediately greeted these two people when she walked into the study room, they handed out the financial report to let her take a look, she quickly read through the pages and said: The bank will rest for 10 days, while the jewelry shop will continue to operate as usual.

Both of the managers were shocked: The jewelry shop has been in a continuous loss, if it wasnt the support of the bank, it couldnt even maintain few days longer, if I were to give up one of them, Id choose to give up the jewelry shop.

Dont you think theres something fishy going on?


When my father is alive, the business of the bank was thriving, but he frequently took a lot of money out from the bank instead, turning the bank into an empty shell, thats the main reason why the bank falls like mud when he passed away. However, he was a smart and astute person, why would he wanted to destroy his own bank?

About this Manager Yin doesnt understand either, he looked at Manager Qian with a puzzled gaze.

Manager Qian looked sad about it: Master only said that he had no choice but to do like this, he never explained for the reason.

Murong Yun Shu lightly nodded her head, she gave Manager Qian a letter: This is the information delivered from the capital.

Manager Qian opened the letter and read, his face suddenly turned gray as dust, his lips quivered: How, how could, how could this be.

The Kingdom desires to own Huifeng Bank Manager Qian read out the few words from the title, he was shocked that he couldnt continue reading.

The Kingdom desires for revolution, they prepared to distribute a small amount of cash from the official bank, but to do this theyll need a powerful bank as their strong backup. Currently, Huifeng bank is the Kingdoms only bank that develops globally, once they successfully own the bank, it means their revolution had succeeded half.

Manager Qian suddenly got enlightened: Thats the reason why master took all the money out urgently, so even if the Kingdom takes over the bank later, the bank is only an empty shell with heavily indebted.

How did Miss thought of sending people to capital to seek for information? Manager Yin was still curious.

It was the visit of my cousin brother that reminded me. Murong Yun Shu said: I couldnt understand why my father wants to take all the money from the bank, until a few days ago, my cousin brother came at Jin Ling Province, which made me realize that the matter could have a connection with the Kingdom, so I sent people to find out.

Ever since four years ago Hua Ling Tian went to the capital, he never came back to Jin Ling Province, both of them were communicating with letters, even when Murong Yun Shus father has passed away, he only sent a letter to comfort her because the Empress Dowager doesnt allow him to leave the palace. However, he suddenly appeared in Jin Ling Province a few days ago, he must have gotten the Empress Dowagers permission, and the reason that the Empress Dowager agreed must be connected with Murong Sect.

As expected, according to the information given, the mission that Hua Ling Tian came to Jin Ling Province was to convince Murong Yun Shu to hand over the Huifeng Bank. Of course, his sleeve to convince her was by offering marriage to her, but she rejected him anyway.

Murong Yun Shu felt helpless as she thought of this, the palace was surely a creepy and scary place, for just only four years, her intimate brother has changed and he even tried to deceive her feelings.

Manager Yin: Then what should we do? We cant be a sitting duck waiting for the kingdom to take over the bank right?

It was the first time to see Murong Yun Shus face turned cold as she heard the words, her bright eyes were sparkling with angriness, her soft voice contains an inviolable power: Things that belong to me, Murong Sect, I wont let anybody can take it as they please.

Manager Yin: But we cant fight against the kingdom. Even the sly old master could only accept the fate, who else can save the bank?

We cant fight against the kingdom, but someone can.



Manager Qian immediately stunned, the matter has become a crisis but how could miss still have the mood to joke, moreover her face was serious when she jokes


After Murong Yun Shu sent away two managers, she went back to the yard and sunbathe, this time theres a book of poetry collection in her hand.

Miss, heres your tea. Luer passed the freshly made tea to Murong Yun Shu, her face was full of complaints. Miss is acting way too leisure, which made her felt insecure.

Mmm. Murong Yun Shu was thirsty, she immediately drinks the tea: Ouch- She suddenly jumped out from the bench and stepped away two steps, the beautiful ceramic teacup fell onto the books. The tea splashed all over the place, luckily Luer was fast to catch the teacup before it rolled down to the floor.

Are you trying to kill your owner? Murong Yun Shu was burnt by the hot tea, she stuck out her tongue while scolding Luer.

I didnt know youd be in such a hurry to drink the tea. Luer also stuck out her tongue, she looked down and smirked. Ha, the calm Mistress had finally reacted exaggeratedly! The God has finally seen her wish and blessed her!

Even such small matter you dont know, what do I need you for?

Luer heard the words she immediately became anxious: Miss, please dont send me away! I promise Ill think like how you think in the future, like a worm in your stomach.

Did you just cursed me to grow worms in my stomach?

I swear, Id rather curse myself but I dare not to curse Miss. Luer really hoped she could tie her neck and suicide, really really hoped.

Murong Yun Shu raised her eyebrow, looked like she chose to believe her. She took the poetry collection that has been wet by the tea and swung it lightly, she put the book on the stone table to let it dry, she turned around and prepare to leave. Her mood has already been spoiled by a cup of tea.

Miss! Luer shouted, she pointed at the wet poetry collection and said: There are words in the book!

If a book doesnt have words, does book still called as a book? Murong Yun Shu didnt have any thought about it, she didnt give any reaction and continued walking back.

Its not that kind of word.Its another kind of word. Luer couldnt explain clearly, she ran in front of Murong Yun Shu and pulled her to the stone table, she pointed the gray words on the book and said: Look.

Murong Yun Shu was shocked, in the book where the spot was wet by the tea, there really were words on it, it looks like a Jian word.

Bring me a bowl of water.


In a short time, Luer quickly brought a bowl of water and put it on the stone table.

Murong Yun Shu carefully tore off the pages one by one, then she soaked the pages into the water bowl. The first few pages dont have any words appeared, the few pages in the middle have words, but the last few pages dont have any more words.

Putting all the words together combined was a message Five hundred thousand silver taels hidden in Mingjian Sect.

Five hundred thousand silver taels!

It was the exact missing amount for the debt.

Murong Yun Shu suddenly enlightened, now she knew her father had hidden the silver taels in Mingjian Sect, no wonder she couldnt find the missing money in Murong House no matter how hard she finds, no wonder Mingjian Sect wanted to break the betrothal so urgently.

But she doesnt understand, why would her father not tell her directly?

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