All People Want My Created Cultivation Skills

Chapter 18

C18 – My Tribe Does Not Need to Oppose My Voice

​”High Priest, do you recognize these inscriptions?” Jiang Que etched the Chaos Spell and the Flying Blade Spell into the wall before turning to face the High Priest. The elderly High Priest nodded, his gaze clouded with bewilderment as he looked at Jiang Que.

“High Priest, have you heard of the Green Tribe?” Jiang Que inquired. The High Priest shook his head, prompting a sense of curiosity in Jiang Que. He found it peculiar that there was no contact between the Green Tribe and the Flame Mountain Tribe, yet they shared the same language. Nevertheless, he didn’t probe further into the issue.

​At the moment, his priority was to disseminate these two cultivation methods throughout the Flame Mountain Tribe to significantly enhance their collective strength. This was the endeavor that would benefit him the most.

​Addressing the clansmen, he announced, “The diagrams and script here represent a cultivation method and an attack-style cultivation method. Once you master them, you’ll gain magical powers like mine, enabling you to slay ferocious beasts with nothing more than a Thorn Fruit.”

The Flame Mountain Tribe’s populace erupted into a commotion.

“We’ll have the same formidable powers as the Patriarch if we learn these methods?”

“How could that be possible? Such power is the domain of deities!”

“By mastering these methods, could we become as mighty as the Patriarch and even slay the Green Leopard?”

​The initial shock gave way to wild jubilation among the crowd, but the High Priest’s face turned ashen. He bellowed, “Patriarch, this must not be done! Such power is reserved for the gods. You have this power because you’ve been acknowledged by the divine. Should you impart the gods’ gift to the clansmen, divine retribution will befall you, and the clansmen as well.”

The once jubilant clansmen fell silent, taken aback by his words. Jiang Que watched the High Priest, whose face was etched with seriousness, with unexpected surprise. He hadn’t anticipated opposition from the High Priest, who had remained silent during his bid for leadership, but now objected to the spread of the Chaos Spell.

Jiang Que clarified, “These cultivation methods are of my own creation; they are not connected to the gods. There’s no need for concern.”

The High Priest spoke without a second thought, “No! It is the gods who have granted you the ability to create such cultivation methods. You must not share this divine gift with the clansmen in secret. If you do, you will face the gods’ wrath.”

The clansmen instantly turned away, too fearful to even glance at the writings and images on the walls. They dreaded the possibility of divine retribution, and this fear was shared by Shito, Pann Qiu, and Roger.

Jiang Que’s brow furrowed in frustration. He was ready to challenge the High Priest’s stance, but then it dawned on him why the High Priest was so adamantly against him. At its core, this was a conflict of interests. Everyone held their own beliefs and positions, and differing positions meant differing interests.

Jiang Que had promoted the Chaos Spell with the intention of using the Flame Mountain Tribe’s clansmen as the foundation for his quest to conquer the world. The clansmen’s jubilation stemmed from their newfound power with the Chaos Spell, which would allow them to hunt ferocious beasts with ease and no longer fret over their food supply. His goals aligned with those of the Flame Mountain Tribe’s clansmen, but the High Priest was the outlier.

The High Priest served as the tribe’s intermediary with the divine, often speaking on behalf of the elusive gods. Within the tribe, he held an unrivaled position of authority and influence, to the extent that not even the Patriarch would dare cross him lightly. Should the clansmen possess might rivaling that of the gods, their reverence for the divine would wane, and with it, their respect for the High Priest who served as their conduit to the gods. Consequently, the High Priest’s standing within the tribe would suffer a dramatic fall.

Given these circumstances, it made sense for the High Priest to vehemently resist Jiang Que under the guise of divine interest. “High Priest, come with me. There’s something I need to discuss with you,” Jiang Que said, making his way toward the valley’s exit. After a moment’s hesitation, the High Priest followed.

​”Clearly, Jiang Que has realized the underlying reasons for the High Priest’s opposition,” one clansman noted.

“Is the High Priest’s resistance not rooted in his fear of the gods’ punishment? Could there be other factors at play?” another pondered.

“I have no interest in conversing with the uninformed. Let those who grasp the situation come and discuss!” a third interjected.

“Jiang Que has taken the High Priest aside for a private talk. It seems he’s aiming to negotiate,” someone observed.

“Jiang Que won’t find this challenging. By simply assuring the High Priest of his future status, he’ll secure his cooperation,” another concluded confidently.

“What are you guys talking about? Why can’t I understand?”

In the live broadcast room, some audience members grasped the unfolding scene, while others were left scratching their heads in confusion.

Once someone had clarified the situation, it all clicked for the rest.

As Jiang Que neared the mouth of the valley, he came to a halt.

Turning around, he stood in silence, awaiting the High Priest’s approach.

“Patriarch, is there something you wish to discuss with me?”

The High Priest regarded Jiang Que with an air of confidence.

Like everyone else, he assumed Jiang Que was seeking to negotiate.

But they were all mistaken.

Jiang Que had no intention of negotiating.

With a steady gaze, he addressed the High Priest, “I offer you two choices. Change your mind, or face death.”

The High Priest was taken aback.

He stared at Jiang Que, incredulous, as if he had misheard.

“In any tribe, not even the most ruthless Patriarch would dare threaten a High Priest who can commune with the deities!”

His eyes blazed with anger, as if he had been deeply insulted.

“My tribe has no need for deities. If there must be a god in my tribe, then I am that god!”

Jiang Que’s tone was icy.

On any other issue, he might have been willing to compromise.

Considering the Flame Mountain Tribe numbered just over a thousand, he had no desire to see his people perish in internal conflicts.

But on this matter, he was unyielding.

He would not tolerate anyone in the Flame Mountain Tribe holding a status equal to or greater than his own.

There could be a High Priest in his tribe, but only to bolster his own prestige.

Otherwise, he was prepared to forcefully quell any dissent and ensure the Flame Mountain Tribe would henceforth be without the office of High Priest.

“You are desecrating the sacred!”

The High Priest trembled with rage.

“I don’t have time to waste on you,” Jiang Que said icily. “If you don’t choose now, I’ll take it as you’ve chosen death.”

Uncertainty flickered across the High Priest’s face.

He hadn’t expected Jiang Que, the new Patriarch, to be so fearless of the divine.

“Three, two…”

Jiang Que started the countdown.

A Thorn Fruit materialized in the palm of his hand.

“The Patriarch is the embodiment of the divine. The Patriarch has come into this world solely to rescue the clansmen of the Flame Mountain Tribe.”

As the countdown approached its end, the High Priest finally made his decision.

Prostrate on the ground, he kissed the earth beneath Jiang Que’s feet, his eyes brimming with tears.

His expression was one of utter devotion.

Jiang Que cautioned him, “Very good! Remember my words. If you wish to remain the High Priest, then gradually make it known to the clansmen that I am the sole deity of our tribe.”

The High Priest responded, “I understand!”

Before their screens, the audience watched in utter astonishment.

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