All People Want My Created Cultivation Skills

Chapter 13

C13 – The Position and Benefits of the Human Race

In the heart of the forest, towering trees rose like giants.

Ancient trees, a hundred meters tall, were a common sight.

Late autumn had set in, and the ground was blanketed with a thick layer of withered yellow leaves.

At noon, the warm sunlight filtered through the branches, casting a faint golden glow on the leaves below, softening the chill of the late autumn air.

Jiang Que, carrying Thorn Fruit, moved cautiously through the woods in search of the Green Leopard.

Thanks to Pann Qiu, he had gained a rough understanding of the Green Leopard’s formidable strength.

The creature was massive and strong, capable of snapping a tree over a meter in diameter with a swipe of its claws.

Its leaping power was equally astonishing, able to vault over twenty meters into the air.

Jiang Que’s own leaping ability was impressive as well.

Since advancing to Spirit Release Stage Level 1, his Spirit Power had transformed, making the Flying Blade Spell more than ten times more potent than it had been at Energy Condensation Stage Level 6.

This newfound power was his greatest asset in facing the formidable Green Leopard.

While the Green Leopard’s size was an advantage, Jiang Que’s smaller stature was his.

With Spirit Power infused in his legs, his speed would surge. The forest’s ancient trees, standing tall, were everywhere.

If the Green Leopard attacked, he could use his smaller size and swift speed to evade.

Jiang Que aimed to develop a movement-based cultivation method to defeat the Green Leopard.

With such a method, his speed could increase by more than tenfold.

Moreover, the towering trees provided excellent cover, improving his odds against the Green Leopard.

“It looks like he’s really here to hunt the Green Leopard.”

“Does he intend to help the Flame Mountain Tribe eliminate this great threat? It’s not like him to do such a thing.”

“What’s he thinking? Why can’t he just stay in the tribe, cultivating and researching new cultivation methods?”

The viewers of the live broadcast voiced their concerns.

From their perspective, they wished Jiang Que would avoid any unnecessary risks.

After all, Jiang Que’s fate was directly linked to their own well-being.

If Jiang Que were to cultivate and create a new cultivation method, it would prove more advantageous for them. By cultivating a specific method, he could test its upper limits and determine whether there were any unbearable side effects. Moreover, by devising a new cultivation method, he could discover additional ways to utilize Spirit Power before research institutions managed to develop superior methods.

Most viewers in the live broadcast held a certain reverence for Jiang Que, the pioneer of cultivation. However, if they considered it from a self-interest perspective, Jiang Que was merely their test subject, not someone to be idolized. Only a select few, like the basketball star Tong Hai, genuinely idolized Jiang Que. Tong Hai’s destiny had been dramatically altered by practicing the Chaos Spell.

For many, the Chaos Spell had transformed their lives, bringing benefits beyond their wildest dreams. The extent of Jiang Que’s potential achievements was beyond anyone’s imagination. His talent was bound to elevate the Human Race to unparalleled strength.

Initially, the Human Race had been hostile towards him. Additionally, his unique approach to enhancing his talent marked him as a potential crisis for the Human Race.

More than two hours later, Jiang Que finally located the Green Leopard. The shock he felt upon hearing about it paled in comparison to seeing it with his own eyes. Pann Qiu had mentioned its impressive size, but witnessing the Green Leopard firsthand was truly astounding.

​There it was, in the heart of the forest, towering like a four-story building and stretching over twenty meters in length – a veritable moving mountain of green. Even at a distance of a hundred meters, Jiang Que felt insignificant and powerless. The forest, usually vast, seemed cramped in the presence of the Green Leopard. Each of its steps stirred up a powerful breeze, and its tail, as long as a steel whip, swayed effortlessly. The cold gleam in its basketball-sized amber eyes could send chills down the spine of any onlooker.

Jiang Que quickly surveyed the surroundings, noting the position and distance of each towering ancient tree. Drawing a deep breath, he pulled out a stack of Thorn Fruits and tightly clutched one in his right hand.

​Given the Green Leopard’s size, Jiang Que needed to strike its vital points with a few centimeters of Thorn Fruit to bring it down.

Jiang Que yelled at the Green Leopard, hoping to catch its attention and make it turn around. But the Green Leopard completely disregarded him. Even when Jiang Que was a couple of hundred meters away, the creature had already detected his scent with its keen sense of smell. Jiang Que was too frail to even whet its appetite.

Meanwhile, the billions of viewers watching the live stream jumped at Jiang Que’s shout. They were already on edge over concerns for his safety, and now their anxiety had intensified. “This guy is actually provoking and drawing the Green Leopard’s attention; he’s practically asking for trouble!” “Well, we can only pin our hopes on those research institutions to come up with a cultivation method superior to the Chaos Spell, and soon.” “With Jiang Que’s immense talent and his strength increasing monthly, why risk it all? Why doesn’t he just stay in the tribe and continue to enhance his abilities?”

Seeing that the Green Leopard ignored his calls, Jiang Que remained unfazed. With a casual flick of his wrist, the Thorn Fruit in his hand shot out with such force that it emitted a thunderous noise. The Green Leopard finally sensed that something was amiss and felt a surge of danger. It couldn’t resist turning to look toward the sound.

But it was too late to see anything; the Thorn Fruit had already penetrated its flesh and burrowed into its abdomen. It took a couple of seconds before the Green Leopard felt a searing pain emanating from the wound.

The beast let out an enraged roar, its basketball-sized eyes exuding a chilling, bloodthirsty air as it fixed its gaze on Jiang Que. He remained composed, methodically launching Thorn Fruits at the Green Leopard’s eyes and forehead.

​The shrill sound of the fruits slicing through the air was relentless. The Green Leopard tried to dodge, but it couldn’t evade the continuous barrage of Thorn Fruits, swift as lightning. Its eyes, forehead, throat, and other vulnerable spots were impaled by the projectiles. Beyond emitting agonized roars, all it could do was shut its eyes tight and lunge in the direction it remembered Jiang Que to be.

Jiang Que suddenly picked up speed, effortlessly dodging the Green Leopard’s lunges while continuing to target its weak spots with Thorn Fruits.

Within a mere two to three minutes, the Green Leopard, relentlessly assaulted at its vital points, showed a marked decrease in both speed and strength.

After another couple of minutes, its once powerful limbs, sturdy as pillars, could barely keep it upright.

It swayed like a drunken man, teetering on the brink of collapse.

Victory was clear.

The outcome was precisely what Jiang Que had anticipated, and his expression remained serene.

Yet, the viewers in the live broadcast were agape, their faces a picture of astonishment.

In just a few short minutes, Jiang Que had managed to take down a Level 10 ferocious beast, a feat typically requiring a genetic warrior’s intervention.

The military would have to invest substantial funds and over a decade to train a single genetic warrior.

Moreover, the Thorn Fruits’ velocity, as recorded by the scanner, reached an astonishing 1,100 meters per second!

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