After Maxing out all Classes

Chapter 8: Such a precious scroll

Chapter 8: Such a precious scroll

TL: Happy Father's Day!! I hope you are all enjoying father's day :)

Chapter 8: Such a precious scroll

Instant transmission is magic used to teleport yourself to another place in an instant.

When you are in danger and your life is at stake, you can use the "Instant transmission scroll", and you'll instantly be put out of danger. It can be said to be one of the necessary scrolls for traveling and killing people. Unfortunately, normal magicians can only do "Transmission." Only a few people know "Instant transmission," and "Instant transmission" without the word "Instant" is a long way off.

Transmission usually requires a pre-drawn magic formation on the ground, where the magician stands to make a long chant that lasts minutes to tens of minutes. This slow chanting speed cant save your life when your life and death are at stake.

But Instant transmission is different. It is instant.

The only disadvantage is that only a few people in Fengmo continent know how to use this magic. Only the highest-ranked magicians can use it. Moreover, just knowing the magic isn't enough for you to make an instant transmission scroll because it requires more magic power to create a scroll than to use it. The magician has to pour much of his magic power to make the scroll. After finishing, he has to meditate for a long time to replenish his lost magic power.

Usually, they won't just give away the scrolls because of their high rank. And because they usually aren't lacking in money, they wouldn't sell or give away such powerful scrolls for money. Else, they might fall into their enemy's hands and save their lives instead.

For instance, one day, a great magician fought with his old enemy and finally got the upper hand. However, the enemy suddenly took out the instant transmission he sent six months ago, smiled at him, and said, "Thank you."

Them, the scroll activates, and he doesn't have an idea as to where he went. And he'll spit out blood from your stomach out of anger.

Because of that, such scrolls are incredibly rare! No, commoners didnt even have a chance to see it. Xielu recognized the spell because she saw it in a book.

Xielu couldnt help but be stunned, What? My God, you you can do this? Arent you a priest?

"Shh!" Robb put a finger up to his lips and whispered, "Be quiet, don't tell others. I want to remain low-key, low-key."

Xuelu hurriedly covered her lips and looked around carefully, Sorry, I didnt mean to shout, but I was shocked.

Dont worry, laughed Robb. I used Detection magic earlier. No one else is in the vicinity right now. But if you keep shouting, someone might hear you."

Detection detection magic? Xielu was startled. Thats a rangers exclusive skill. You what in the world are you?

Robb laughed and said, "Well, don't ask. I'll really be forced to kill someone if you keep digging into it."

Xielu wasn't afraid this time. She looked at Robb softly. It was obviously a joke, and there seemed to be a hidden meaning in Robb's words: One of trust, Robb believed that she wouldn't spread gossip. The other was self-confidence. Robb wasn't afraid of her spreading it. Even if he had been known to the world just how mysterious and powerful he was, he wasn't afraid of the repercussions of what might happen to him.

Xielu nodded, Well, then I wont ask! Now I know that youre a lot stronger than we initially thought. You seem to not only have practiced holy magic but spatial magic and ranger skills as well. Not to mention, youre still so young.

She already understands that Robb studies several kinds of magic, however it isn't rare to study multiple kinds of magic. Many powerful magicians study several kinds of magic. The most common ones are fire, water, wind, and lightning. It's just that Robb seems to be the most powerful of the multiple magic practitioners she's ever seen. Not only is his holy magic so strong that it can take down a double-legged dragon in one blow, but even his space magic has reached the level of a great mage. It's scary. It's truly very scary.

Robb picked up the instant transmission scroll and put it in Xielus hands, Here, this is for you. When you are in an adventure and you run into danger, just activate the instant transmission scroll. Remember, this scroll can only carry a team of five people with you. When you use it, make sure that all the people you want to use it on are within 5 yards of you.

Xielu said, "Hey," and stammered, "For me? Such such a rare and precious thing for me?"

Robb spread ut his hands, Its for you. Am I the type of person who doesnt commit to his words?

But but.. its too valuable.

Robb winked and smiled, Oh? Then you dont want it? You can just give it back.

Xuelus expression went stiff. The gift was too expensive. It was just a casual encounter, so it's a little too much to accept. But what she was holding in her hand was an additional life, and it was a pity for her to return it to Robb. Her little hand trembled softly, holding the scroll in its grasp.

Well, dont worry about it. Just keep it. Robb laughed. You saw how easy it was for me to make it, so you should know just how unimportant it is to me.

Is it that easy to make this? Ive heard that it takes a lot of magic power to make this, and it usually takes dozens of days of meditation to replenish the loss of magic power with the power of a great mage. Are you tired now, just to let me take it, understating your losses? Xielu asked cautiously.

"Oh?" answered Robb calmly, sensing his condition and discovering that it only consumed a fraction of his magic power. After all, in the game and not in the real world, how can a game with a very high magic consumption be fun? If the players don't enjoy the gaming experience, the game won't be able to profit.

To put it in another way, players in the game don't really die. Even if they make a mistake while fighting monsters, it is only a matter of resurrecting in the nearest city. Most players wouldn't use instant transmission scrolls to save their lives. They just use it to get to the road or jump over some rough terrain.

So, the value of the scroll in the game is so low that it's impossible for the developer to make it have a high magic power consumption.

Robb got an important piece of information from Xielu. His skill system is subtly different from those of this world, at least in terms of magic consumption. And if theres another genius who has mastered all of the professions, he wont be able to beat Robb.

Without magic power, no matter how many skills or magic you have or know, you wont be able to cut it flat! Itll only make creep me out, for fear of you being a ghost.

These thoughts passed in an instant. Robb smiled and said to Xielu, "There's only a little loss, but I don't need to go out and take risks anymore. I guard the chapel leisurely daily, and the lost magic power will soon be replenished. So take this scroll with confidence. I'd rather not hear you fall into an accident than my loss of magic power."

Then, she glanced at Robb with a flirtatious look, If you could, I really wish that you could join me on an adventure.

Robb stretched out his hand, Im really sorry. Im tired of doing tasks Well, Im tired of helping people with their missions. I just want to be lazy and have a leisurely life.

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