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5 months ago
Facing bankruptcy, a beekeeper crosses over into a magical fantasy world, gaining the ability to... Read more Facing bankruptcy, a beekeeper crosses over into a magical fantasy world, gaining the ability to control bee swarms. Leveraging magic, he cultivates diverse mutant bee species: efficient honey-collecting bees, formidable combat bees, and entirely new bee species with extraordinary abilities.He explores this fantastical world, bringing back various nectar-bearing flora for cultivation, creating magical honey imbued with enchanting effects, and distributing it to all corners of both worlds. While he becomes renowned as the Honey King of his original world and an elite beekeeper, his fame also spreads in the magical world, where he’s known as the Bee Whisperer of the Black Forest.The latest edition of the “Black Forest Adventure Guide” specifically warns: “Never attempt to provoke him, or his bee swarms will not spare you! Don’t ask me how I know!” Collapse Adventurers, Alternate World, Calm Protagonist, Elves, Fantasy World, Gate to Another World, Herbalist, Insects, Magic, Magic Beasts, Magic Formations, Magical Technology, Male Protagonist, Modern Knowledge, Parallel Worlds, Polite Protagonist, Transported to Another World, Werebeasts, Wizards, No Romance This has to be good, just look at that bee! He's so happy. Probably good novel but never really like the ones that go back and forth between new / old world. BEEEEEEEEEEEEEES Cute bee in the profile tbhRanobe FanMade discord server :)) B E E S! Three old ladies were sitting on a bench outside of their church. When a strange man wearing nothing but a large trench coat runs up to them and exposes himself. The oldest of the three ladies had a stroke. The other two couldn't reach. You have definitely made that joke previously.